* Fobok was kind enough to send me links rounding up various Canadian political scandals going on. I was so swamped this week it took a while to give them the proper attention. Here they are in case you are curious what else is going on besides the crack scandal.
Senate scandal (though there's hundreds of other news stories, this one covers the basics pretty well):
http://ca.news.yahoo.com/harper-remains-mum-dealt-unfolding-expense-scandal-last-182111187.html The robocalls stuff:
http://ca.news.yahoo.com/head-elections-canada-confirms-witnesses-not-co-operating-175116320.html The CBC scandal:
http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2013/05/30/canadian_budget_bill_contains_rude_shock_for_the_cbc.html and related:
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/economy-lab/will-omnibus-bill-influence-bank-of-canadas-independence-flaherty-should-explain/article12212675/ Adding on, a few weeks ago this was in the news:
http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2013/04/30/pol-auditor-general-spring-report-federal-spending.html and this:
http://www.thestar.com/news/investigations/2013/05/08/star_investigation_millions_in_taxpayerfunded_consulting_work_kept_secret.htm * Fobok also writes this, "For the first time ever, a Canadian military base (CFB Edmonton) raised a gay pride flag for Edmonton's Pride week."
Looks like progress to me!
* "Mountain Populations Offer Clues to Human Evolution:"
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/30/science/mountain-populations-offer-clues-to-human-evolution.html?ref=science&_r=0 * "Medieval Readers Had Eclectic Tastes:"
http://news.yahoo.com/medieval-readers-had-eclectic-tastes-205053358.html * "WWII Drug: The German Granddaddy of Crystal Meth:"
http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/crystal-meth-origins-link-back-to-nazi-germany-and-world-war-ii-a-901755.html * What is it with me and my distress about the destruction of some of the manuscripts of Timbuktu and the threat that many others are in the process of crumbling away? I am not Muslim, I will never learn Arabic. These are words I'll never read, library after library, I'll never explore. Simply put, these manuscripts are irreplaceable. Windows to thoughts from the past and by extension into lives we'd otherwise never get a glimpse of. Timbuktu has a unique history and culture. It is incredibly comforting to know those precious manuscripts are there. Only they might not be much longer.
Want to save the equivalent of the library of Alexandria from burning and crumbling away? Here is your chance to save something priceless: knowledge.
http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/timbuktu-libraries-in-exile * Sensible talk about education. "If I Were a Black Kid ...:"
http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/06/if-i-were-a-black-kid/276655/ * "Dr. Z -On Being A Good Black Man:"
http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2013/06/dr-z-on-being-good-black-man.html * "Unjust Arizona Bathroom Bill Dead For This Session:"
http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2013/06/unjust-arizona-bathroom-bill-dead-for.html * "Same Person, Different Pronouns:"
http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2013/06/same-person-different-pronouns.html * "Trans Class Of 2014, Start Planning Now To Beat Your Trans Oppressors:"
http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2013/06/trans-class-of-2014-start-planning-now.html * "Isaak Still Standing, Still Getting Dissed On His Way To Graduation Day:"
http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2013/06/isaak-still-standing-still-getting.html * What have I been doing? trying to speed read another QUILTBAG anthology that needs to go back, trying to catch up on the avalanche of archeology and political links backed up, and trying to do research for Thursday and discovering I was up the wrong tree for what I hope is the week after because I need to start over with a different book. I also did a proof of concept for something I want to bake in the near future. It was delicious.
* The Clutch:
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