(no subject)

Jun 04, 2013 03:02

* The flooding in central/Eastern Europe continues scary. While the water is going down in Germany, they had to open the dams on the Vltava worsening the flooding south of Prague. Villages and towns have been evacuated in areas under threat. Things remain scary in the Czech republic and Austria.

* Meanwhile the Missouri is also flooding and the levees are in the process of failing around West Alton.

* Revised Oklahoma figures: 19 confirmed dead. The tornado is the largest on record and has been upgraded in retrospect to a EF5 rather than an EF3.

* Republicans are blocking legislation to put safe rooms in schools and trailer parks on the grounds that saving the lives of children and the poor is less important than corporate profits and generally a waste of money. A Democrat is planning to put it directly to the voters:

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* You know how FOX is saying the head of the IRS went to the White House 157 times? It turns out that they made that up. It was 11 times over the course of 4 years, which is completely reasonable given the Obamacare implementation. FOX News is continuing to repeat the lie often in hysterics because fictional stories are generally treated as news over there.

* Mostly old white men holding hearings on sexual assault in the military decided they don't need outside review while refusing to let the rape survivors speak:

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

* This week in GOP Misogyny (TW: pro-Rape Republicans out in Force):

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

* "As A White LGBT Person, You STILL Have More Privilege Than A POC TBLG Person Ever Will:" http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2013/06/as-white-lgbt-person-you-still-have.html

* "Combating Bossip Comment Thread Transphobia:" http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2013/06/combating-bossip-comment-thread.html

* "Ohio High School Lets Trans Latina Student Graduate Wearing Correct Gown:" http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2013/06/ohio-high-school-lets-trans-latina.html

* This is one of the more surreal "Better Know a District's" I've seen:

The Colbert Report
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* I had sleep stolen by movers coming for the neighbors, but I did get out and pick up meds, get a haircut, change books at library, and made it to my appointment with even newer Doc. She was running 45 minutes late, and as my file is the War and Peace of Medical Files I didn't get out until after 6PM. O.o. She seemed cool with the trans stuff and believes in AS and CF carrier syndrome. I got one of my meds back. I'm waiting to broach the other key one until I'm lower on them. It's important to keep the people controlling my chronic pain and anti-nausea drugs sweet. She seems nice and I got my other Hep A shot. I can work with her.

Of course the Doctor running so late meant I was too late to hand off the car which pretty much screws Squirrel. He was gone when I got back, so I'm hoping he got a ride. I'm "under the weather" and exhausted, so I may bring out the serious meds and crash in a bit.

Where is Archeology round up? Where was it last week? I'm wading through game research, queer fiction on ILL that needs to go back, and link spam, so I simply haven't had time for proper sorting on the archeology stuff.

After a year and a half of jerking my sister around to the point that she had to threaten to sue, Merrill Lynch has finally released our money. I'll know my fate in a week or two.

I am so excited about il_volpe coming that I've started dreaming he's here.

* Normally when I have a Scarlet Pimpernel yen, I get the Richard Grant one. This time on a whim I got the Anthony Andrews out. He was once my beloved Sebastian, after all and it's fun to contemplate the similar defense mechanisms while watching the actor do those things with his face. I had my usual fun spotting actors in various roles out of context. (I last saw this in the 80's, so the game is more fun than it might otherwise be). Prinny is Julian Ffellows who writes Downton! The ex-boyfriend from Victor/Victoria is Armand! The first Doctor from Poldark is Robbespierre! Look, I take my fun where I can get it. It's uneven compared to the Richard Grant version, being over acted and cartoonish in spots.

What was the real surprise? Sir Ian McKellen was way too sexy for Chauvelin. Oh, the acting is stunning, but one expects that for Sir Ian. No, it was the effect of those wicked cheekbones. Why did no one tell me he was such a hotty thirty years ago and how did I miss it? Add in the passion and yearning in those piercing eyes and dayumn. Watch him scheme, watch him fence, watch him smoulder. It's an inappropriate reaction to the character, but he gives the character a soul he doesn't generally have. He was by far the best thing in the film.

I submit the following as evidence in my defense:

* The Clutch:

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/319692.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

misogyny, racism, scandals, trans*, privelege, war on women, movies, lies, military, life, rape, dragon cave, transphoia, disaster

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