(no subject)

Apr 08, 2013 03:12

* In Egypt a noise complaint blew up into a riot with one dead and more than 80 injured. A Copt came out of his house to ask some youths to stop being so loud. The youths attacked the occupants of the house, during which gun fire was exchanged. A stray bullet hit a nearby Mosque at which point an Imam called on the faithful to repel the Copts, who left their house flee to a neighboring church, which the mob then attacked.

* Is anyone up on Bangladeshi politics? I'd love to read some knowledgeable sources on what's going on there. I lack context both for the protests and the big tribunal. If you know a good balanced link to summaries, I'd love to have a look.

* Let's not paper over the late Margaret Thatcher's legacy:

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

* The Republican argument against universal background checks goes like this: While we know that 1.9 million plus people have been stopped from illegally purchasing guns by the partial background checks we have, criminals can still use gun shows, straw purchases, and private sales to get guns because we have no universal background checks. This proves background checks don't work so we shouldn't background check the other 40% of sales. *facepalm* Can they hear themselves talk?

* The Republicans are celebrating the hundredth Anniversary of direct voting for Senate, by trying to take that right away as part of their War on Democracy:

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

* I saw a commercial today in favour of retaining Democracy rather than let Republicans continue to repeal it. We need more of those.

* "Trove of Neanderthal fossils found in Greek cave:" http://science.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/01/17553099-trove-of-neanderthal-fossils-found-in-greek-cave?lite

* "Huge find throws new light on ancient Iraq:" http://www.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/news/display/?id=9796

* Interesting 17th Dynasty Find: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-04/snrc-dpd040513.php

* "Herod the Great: Friend of the Romans and Parthians?" http://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/people-cultures-in-the-bible/people-in-the-bible/herod-the-great-friend-of-the-romans-and-parthians/

* A bog yields evidence of massacre in Augustus' time: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/2013/04/01/16a2524a-85aa-11e2-999e-5f8e0410cb9d_story.html

* Coin with an Amazon Warrior and an Anchor: http://www.wondersandmarvels.com/2013/04/ancient-amazon-sailors.html

* This does a decent job summing up the modern view of Cleopatra: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/Rehabilitating-Cleopatra.html

* "Mediterranean megaturbidite triggered by the AD 365 Crete earthquake and tsunami:" http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/130215/srep01285/full/srep01285.html

* "In the land of Hampshire where the Shadows lie:" http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/04/03/cursed_ring_inspiration_tolkien_hampshire/

I wish this included a picture of the Venus ring.

* "Medieval Monks Cultivated Wetlands:" http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/Rehabilitating-Cleopatra.html

* "How the sky would look if the planets were as close as the moon [8 pictures]:" http://twentytwowords.com/2013/04/04/how-the-sky-would-look-if-the-planets-were-as-close-as-the-moon-8-pictures/

* Watching these Senegalese Women Wrestlers made me happy so I'm linking them: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-22061431

* I'm off hormones for the next three weeks due to a lack of communication from my Doctor combined with ongoing construction at the clinic and a series of unfortunate events here at the cat asylum. Sigh. This is going to get ugly as the hormones mitigate some of my auto immune symptoms. (I am allergic to my own sex hormones. My immune system is pretty sure they are foreign invaders. Draw your own picture from here).

Luckily, Squirrel gassed up the car last night, as I ended up having to drive all over town on a deadline to sort things out. On the way back, I stopped for boca rolls at the place by the farmer's market. They had this delightful counter guy who sold e on a sandwich as well. He was an amazing flirt. By this I mean, I really admired his performance. I can not tell you his orientation as he flirted outrageously not only with me but male and female coworkers and the two ladies who came in after me. I used to do this when I worked in the service industry myself. I know how much effort it takes to be that good at this sort of social flirting on a daily basis. To me, this is like watching an Olympic diver or the like. I wanted to applaud. It cheered me right up.

Anyway, I got more lettuce starts as the plant I got already is so tasty I anticipate needing more soon. I came home just wanting my sandwich so I could take my meds. I was already planning to distract the cats with goosh, and we're now on an every other day schedule to keep the Butt hydrated, so it's goosh day anyway. Squirrel was hunting for the Butt to give him his pill, so I used the can opener lure. LM saw him grab her brother and panicked so Squirrel had to chase her down to get her her share, poor wee beastie. Hector came to fight me for my sandwich anyway, alas, and week two of the howling jag continues.

I am so behind on everything. Sigh.

For the record: high end buns + fresh picked lettuce + bocas + pepper jack = Yum.

* "Comic Superheroes Posed As Greek Art:" http://usa.greekreporter.com/2013/04/01/comic-superheroes-posed-as-greek-art/

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/300178.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

north africa, sports, war on democracy, life, art, medieval, europe, classical history, rip, archeology, gun control, homids, middle east

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