(no subject)

Mar 09, 2013 22:46

* There is a complex conversation on Hugo Chavez, Venezuela vs. Brazil, and economics and South America in general. It's huge, so I'm linking to the first clip and you can go from there if you are interested: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/49263362#51122755

* "Parliament could force journalists to reveal sources under new Privileges Act, warn police, MJA:" http://minivannews.com/politics/parliament-could-force-journalists-to-reveal-sources-under-new-privileges-act-warn-police-mja-54309

It always scares me when a government starts cracking down on journalists and/or undermining the free press. It's on my short list of ways to tell a whole bunch of scary and terrible things are about to happen in the country.

* More on the death of Democracy in Michigan:

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

* Hunger in School:

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

* The Frisking of Forrest Whittaker and what is says about racism in this country:

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

* Melissa Harris-Perry to a seven year old girl in response to her first experience of racism.

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

* "Illustrating Wealth Inequality:" http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2013/03/09/illustrating-wealth-inequality/

* Remember how I said the more guns in schools the more danger of accidental discharge and thus the more danger to the children? Yeah. "Officer Who Fired Shot In New York High School Suspended:" http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/sean-mccutcheon-officer-gun-suspended.php?ref=fpa

* "The Queen is NOT mentioning GBLT rights. GBLT people NOT protected by Commonwealth Charter:" http://www.sparkindarkness.com/2013/03/the-queen-is-not-mentioning-gblt-rights.html

* "Transilience:" http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2013/03/transilience.html

* On the press covering a reading by a trans woman at a book store as if it's the trailer for a horror movie and why that's problematic and fundamentally not okay: http://greenwick.livejournal.com/190788.html?mode=reply&style=mine

* "9 Year Old Girl Writes Letter to Abusive Racist Thugs:" http://jackthriller.com/2013/01/27/9-year-old-girl-writes-letter-to-abusive-racist-thugs/

* "Teeny-tiny Portland park has an itsy-bitsy theft:" http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/08/us/oregon-tiny-park-tree/index.html?hpt=hp_c2

* "The Neanderthals May Have Died Out Because of ... Bunnies?" http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/03/the-neanderthals-may-have-died-out-because-of-bunnies/273684/

* Faces of Human Ancestors

image Click to view

* Speculation about human ancestors and ornamentation: http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2013/03/human-ancestors-were-fashion-con.html?rss=1

* "Flying Snakes in Ancient Egypt?" http://www.wondersandmarvels.com/2013/03/flying-snakes-in-ancient-egypt.html

* "Preliminary Report suggests Wealth Didn't Save Ancient Egyptians from Malnutrition:" http://www.livescience.com/27687-wealthy-ancient-egyptian-disease.html

* "Roman ruins in Libya: aerial photographs by Jason Hawkes:" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culturepicturegalleries/9909936/Roman-ruins-in-Libya-aerial-photographs-by-Jason-Hawkes.html

* Hector likes to stand on my shoulder and howl directly into my ear hole when I am lying down and he doesn't think I should be. For reasons he can't divine, this hasn't been working as well for the last week, what with me having gone nearly deaf in the howling ear. Today he pioneered a new strategy. When howling into the deaf ear did not work, he hid under the bed in the approximate place where my other ear rested on the pillow and tried howling up through the mattress. *facepalm*

* Disorienting ad juxtaposition: While I was doing something in the kitchen, they played the ad where it's about how sexually arousing drain cleaning is and segued immediately into the underarm testosterone transition. As the voice over sounds similar, especially with me literally half deaf and I had no visual clues, it was as if it was one commercial. The effect was as if they were trying to convince me that drains and underarms are both sexy, which.... no, just no.

* Adaption:

Is this high art? No. however, it's a solid, likeable YA speculative fiction novel with a bisexual main character. It also does that thing I've been wanting more of, which is to have QUILTBAG and POC characters where those facts are aspects of the character, but not all they are about. Sexuality and race are adressed, but not what the book is about. I'd consider the coming out aspect to be not even in the top three most important plot things going on in this book. It's a book about people having adventures with a romantic subplot, just like they write for straight people. It sure looks like progress to me. It is a little slow starting, but trust me, it's worth reading through to the bit where it picks up pace.

* Grave Mercy:

I really like the world building and the Brittany based late Medieval background. I'm also a sucker for political novels. It's annoyingly heterosexual, but the romance aspect manages to be surprisingly hot and I really like the characters, both main and secondary. It's a fun read, and I'm looking forward to the sequel.

* The damage that Tolkein's erasure did to an entire genre of writing: http://trulysophisticat.tumblr.com/post/41627626172/fandomsandfeminism-gascon-en-exil

* Remember how I said last week's Walking Dead was the best since first season? This one was terrible. Just annoying and frustrating and pointless.

* This is art I'd very much like to see happen, but it's on the wrong coast for me. Still, I very much want this art to happen. "Kinkstarter II: The 7 Deadly Virtues:" http://lettersfromtitan.com/2013/03/10/kinkstarter-ii-the-7-deadly-virtues/

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/289453.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

erasure, trans*, quiltbag, war on democracy, cats, books, education, help reviews, economics, gun control, racism, ancient world, art, south america, archeology, homids, povery

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