(no subject)

Jan 24, 2013 06:59

* Harry Reid whimped out on filabuster reform. Sigh. Grow a fucking backbone, Democrats.

* I am having trouble sympathizing with conservative hair on fire panic about lifting the ban on promotions for women soldiers. Women have been in combat for over a decade now and there's been demands to lift restrictions for most of my life. This is not moving too fast and there's been decades of time for study. In any case, here's people debating lifting the ban on promotions and certain jobs for women in the military:

* Senator Kerry comes Full Circle:

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

* The actual numbers showing majority public support for Dianne Feinstein's Assault Weapons ban proposal.:

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

* Vaccine Denialism can lead to real life tragedy, "Son's ordeal was our fault, say parents:" http://www.nzherald.co.nz/health/news/article.cfm?c_id=204&objectid=10860122

* "Polynesians reached South America, picked up sweet potatoes, went home:" http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/01/polynesians-reached-south-america-picked-up-sweet-potatoes-went-home/

* Interesting unlooted Celtic tomb with incredibly annoying journalist commentary: http://www.dw.de/archeologists-revise-image-of-ancient-celts/a-16528844

* Further thoughts on the implications of children's shoes in Roman Military camps: http://communications.uwo.ca/western_news/stories/2013/January/family_footwear_find_shows_new_side_to_roman_military.html

* "‘Rare’ Roman statue found:" http://www.thewestonmercury.co.uk/news/rare_roman_statue_found_1_1793785

* "Roman man's face finally revealed at Caerleon museum:" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-21009520

* "Roman Toilet Paper/Game Piece Revisionism?:" http://rogueclassicism.com/2013/01/19/roman-toilet-papergame-piece-revisionism/

* "Stunning figurine represents high ranking Zapotec:" http://www.pasthorizonspr.com/index.php/archives/01/2013/stunning-figurine-represents-high-ranking-zapotec

* "Famed Warrior Medici Died From Gangrene:" http://news.discovery.com/history/archaeology/mystery-over-renaissance-warriors-amputation-solved-130116.htm

* "19th Century Precautions Against Grave Robbers:" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-21044770

* "Hair and Eye Color Can Now Be Determined for Ancient Human Skeletons:" http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/science/2013/01/hair-and-eye-color-can-now-be-determined-for-ancient-human-skeletons/#ixzz2IyY9Jwe1

* Anderson Cooper says Subway wants to give you all twelve inches:

* Stephen Colbert's take on media reactions to the Inauguration Speech:

The Colbert Report
Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive

* Stephen Colbert's take on the Republican attempt to fix the next elections:

The Colbert Report
Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive

* Stephen Colbert points out that some of the GOP gerrymandering was done on MLK day so they could take advantage of a civil rights leader going to the Inauguration instead of being there to vote against and then added insult to injury by adjourning in honor of Confederate General Stonewall Jackson:

The Colbert Report
Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive

* John Stewart on Chinese Air Pollution:

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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* My Uncle has written. He is donating his brain to the University of Alabama for study like Junior Seau to see if there is Football related damage. Building the case over repetitive head injury could help others. He certainly had concussions that they refused to treat him for, instead sending him back out to play after they removed the other player from the field. I am proud of him. His donation could eventually help save others. I hope more former players follow suit. There is so much corruption and criminal mistreatment of players in high school and college football. (You'll remember that my Uncle played under Joe Paterno and I was raised on stories of the behind the scenes shenanigans that belied the squeaky clean image of the Penn State team. My Uncle's side has been rather vindicated lately, I think.)

I think the sport needs to be cleaned up if it must continue. I think there needs to be a ban on young players because the risks are so much bigger. I think more care needs to be taken about player safety, and head injuries need to be taken seriously, instead off waving player concerns and sending them back in injured. Football and Joe Paterno in particular chewed my Uncle and countless others up and then spitted them out.

Football culture as it exists is toxic and protects rapists and domestic abusers of women and children from the consequences of their actions and encourages victim blaming even as it's destroying the lives of innocents like my Uncle. The victims aren't just the players, but their families, and the people around them. Those secondary victims include the loved ones dealing with the after effects of Depression, suicide, and other injuries. They include Kasandra Perkins and women like her murdered by players. They include women like Lizzy Seeberg, who killed herself after her rape by a player was dismissed and she was repeatedly humiliated by people wanting to shut her up. It includes young women like the girl in Steubenville, Ohio who was gang raped by players at a party and then vilified and dismissed by officials and the community at large because protecting the reputation of the rapists was more important than protecting the women of the community from their violence. It all ultimately comes from putting the team before people, from deciding that winning the game is literally worth the lives, health, and safety of the players and those around them. I know people will play and watch regardless, but I think we need to take all of this seriously and start putting actual people first.

This entry was originally posted at http://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/276528.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

science, inauguration, military, politics, art, protests, europe, pollution, archeology, gun control, gerrymandering, history

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