* I think I failed to mention that yesterday there was another earthquake in the same part of Japan where the big earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster was. It was 7.3, but as the area is now only lightly inhabited and the rebuilding was mostly at the cleared rubble stage, it wasn't as bad as it might otherwise have been. People close to the water evacuated in an orderly fashion and I don't see any signs of people being injured, for which I am grateful.
* What they mostly aren't telling you about energy extraction in the US:
Visit NBCNews.com for
breaking news,
world news, and
news about the economy * The Republican attack on Unions in Michigan and what that will cost ordinary working families:
Visit NBCNews.com for
breaking news,
world news, and
news about the economy * Doing the numbers on the massive economic damage and human misery the Republicans are planning to do if they don't get the bonus tax cut for the super rich that those top 2% don't actually need.
Visit NBCNews.com for
breaking news,
world news, and
news about the economy * Greenwick found, incredibly cute picture of two elderly Bears getting a marriage lenience in North Bend. Shit, I'm tearing up again. I've never been the marrying kind, but seeing people who have loved each other so much for so long finally getting their rights.... Damn. Especially because so many didn't live to see it. I'm so fucking proud of my State right now:
http://maddowblog.msnbc.com/_news/2012/12/06/15736087-pic-way-past-wonderful?lite * Re: the Accident. I took the good emergency meds last night, used tiger balm, had a hot bath and a long sleep, and it wasn't much worse than this week's baseline today. I mildly strained my right shoulder and upper arm, but most of it was spasm. A doctor couldn't do more for me than I've already done. Remember I have arthritis meds. Nothing is broken or torn. (I've torn a lot of ligaments over the years). It was a fairly low speed accident, though not as super low speed as the previous time. (Seriously, it was the section of Lakeway over by the Southbound freeway ramps during rush hour. No one was moving that fast). I have no plans to sue anyone over inconvenience. Getting rear ended is definitely inconvenient in terms of pain, bureaucracy, and hassle getting the car sorted out. Would I like getting compensated for hassle? Sure, but the world doesn't work that way. Shit happens, and I could easily hurt myself this badly just sleeping. In fact I have hurt myself this badly just sleeping, or, you know walking around. Often. I can list martial arts injuries that were significantly more debilitating back when I was able bodied. If I were seriously hurt? Yes, I'd claim it, but honestly this is not a big deal on my scale of hurt. The arm hurts, but I can still use it. You can say that about most of my body parts on a given day. I'm taking it easy as my spoon count is low. I clearly had a choice between necessary cat maintenance/dishes or making food, so I ordered out and gave the cats my spoons. I am still burning money too fast on stuff like this, but I actually have money I can afford to burn on emergency dinner. I lot of people don't. Hell, last year this time I didn't. I'm calling it lucky that I'm warm and fed and have medicine and my car can still drive. A lot of people don't have that in this country in places like Long Island and the Rockaways, let alone the poor bastards in tents in the typhoon zone in the Philippines or in refugee camps in Turkey or the rubble of Aleppo. My personal shit looks pretty damn small compared to all the shit going on right now in the world. It's kind of folks to send me their good wishes and worries for my health and I do appreciate those messages, but seriously, I'll be as okay as I generally am this time of year in a few days. I'll manage; I always do.
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