* Congratulations to Barney Frank on the occasion of his marriage to Jim Ready today! He is now the first Congress person to legally wed a same sex partner.
* Amazing Middle School girl takes on Seventeen magazine over Photoshopping and wins:
http://video.msnbc.msn.com/melissa-harris-perry/46419672#48105192 Visit msnbc.com for
breaking news,
world news, and
news about the economy * Appalling racist and transphobic slurs are being aimed at the Williams sisters:
http://transgriot.blogspot.com/2012/07/williams-sisters-win-cue-racist-and.html * "Hate crimes against disabled people soar to a record level:"
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/hate-crimes-against-disabled-people-soar-to-a-record-level-7858841.html * I tried to find a clip of Cabbie from Escape from New York in honor of Ernest Borgnine passing, but it was impossible to find a good one on Youtube. I know other people will remember him for other things, but that was my favorite of his. I'm going with his lifetime achievement award instead:
Click to view
* There was actually a patch of sun for Mache to bask in during today's walk. This yard is nowhere near as suited to Mache's needs as an elderly cat with arthritis who thinks cars are an abomination, what with it being nearly all shade and there being a need for jumping and the driveway being too close without shielding hedges, so her finding a basking spot was a very nice thing.
* Remember the other week when I wrote about the general lack of notice of the War of 1812 bicentennial in the US? It's not the case in Canada, apparently:
http://rysmiel.livejournal.com/1101658.html * Steampunk cake: