* Oh man, the Republican Primary is such a mess, I'm having trouble figuring out how to summerize what's going on. Several states that already voted are still having contested results, including Florida where Gingrich is contesting to get delegates, Maine where they are ignoring the results, Michigan where thy retroactively changed the rules after the election to give Romney extra delegates, and Washington where something like 1500 voters got locked out in a very close race. Then there's the fact that the Santorum and Gingrich campaigns were so incompetent, they aren't on the ballot in Virginia and in a lot of districts in others states. *facepalm* Remember, they want you to believe that even though they can't organize competent presidential campaigns, they are totally ready to run a country. Riiiiight. The Republicans want to remind you that the real threat to fair elections is not their inability to hold one, but a couple people every decade who accidentally vote not realizing they've been disenfranchised. This vanishingly small number of accidental fraud cases justify en masse disenfranchisement of innocent Democratic voters. Riiiiight.
* Let's recap for a minute: a young woman testified that her lesbian friend lost an ovary because Georgetown refused to pay for her treatment on moral grounds. Rush Limbaugh called her a "slut" and a "prostitute" and that "her parents should be ashamed of her" because "she was having so much sex" and that she should have to put her sex tapes on line for him to watch as tax payer money somehow pays for her private insurance even tough it doesn't because we don't have a single payer system. He attacked her on air for three days in a row, viciously, personally, and in terms so virulently misogynistic for daring to say that a woman shouldn't have to lose an ovary over some else's religious belief. Instead of apologizing, he issued an extremely insulting non-apology about how he was just joking and while he shouldn't have said "slut" and "prostitute" but everything else he said was correct. Oh, and it's all the liberals' fault. *shudder*
* 12 advertisers and two radio stations have dropped Rush Limbaugh. People are waiting to see if the Armed Forces Radio station drops him.
* Mitt Romney said "I wouldn't have used those words," which is code for "I agree with Limbaugh." John Mccain actually has had the guts to stand up to Limbaugh and defend Ms. Fluke. Right wing pundits are piling on the "liberal medua" for defending the young woman against the misogynistic bully. Remember, the bully is always the real victim, right?
* Rachel Maddow's coverage of the insulting non-apology:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/ Visit msnbc.com for
breaking news,
world news, and
news about the economy * Anderson Cooper's version:
http://cnn.com/video/?/video/us/2012/03/06/ac-kth-limbaugh-apology.cnn * Eric Cantor, the House Majority Leader, known for, among other things, not knowing that the house can't declare sections of the Constitution null and void unilaterally, had he top aide quit today after they nearly got into a fist fight. It's like a clown college over there.
* "North Korea and Nuclear Power:"
http://greenwick.livejournal.com/92770.html * If, according to the Koch brothers, President Obama "is a hard core socialist," does that make President Eisenhower Trotsky? After all Eisenhower was significantly further left than our current President economically.
* I went to the dentist today for yet another cavity. My dentist is on maternity leave, so I had a male dentist. This startled me. Examining my statement, I realized that I haven't had a regular male dentist since I moved West in '90. I had some male fill in and specialist dentists, sure, but all of my routine check up/cleaning/filling dentists were women. He and the hygienist were also anglo, which I'm not used to anymore either. (I like closing my eyes and letting the Spanish wash over me as they do my teeth). He was nice; it was just an adjustment. He spotted a cavity jut starting lower on the same tooth and filled it for free. That's two fillings for $50.00, which is a very good price around here. Cleaning next month and then I'm caught up until fall.
It fascinated me that by getting a fill in dentist, I switched from she to he within the same dental practice. Gendering is such a peculiar thing, isn't it?
* Our parking spot keeps getting stolen. Mike came home at quarter to ten and they had already stolen it.
* 8 dramatizes the testimony for and against marriage equality in the California Prop 8 case. Chris Colfer's moving performance regarding the deadly nature of "conversion therapy" here:
http://lettersfromtitan.tumblr.com/post/18719629105/daxterdd-chris-colfers-full-scene-in-8 * "Against Big Bird, The Gods Themselves Contend In Vain:"
http://scott-lynch.livejournal.com/269876.html * "Newt Gingrich makes gross pie:"
http://greenwick.livejournal.com/92270.html * "Sherlock Vs. The Doctor: The Musical:"
http://scifi.icanhascheezburger.com/2012/03/02/sci-fi-fantasy-sherlock-vs-the-doctor-the-musical/ * This is gorgeous:
http://lettersfromtitan.tumblr.com/post/18805617951/blurintofocus-thispopculture-charlene-kaye * This comic captures some of how I react to BPAL only they are drinking sodas.: