* The new pill should fit seamlessly into my existing med schedule. There are reasons to expect it will improve quality of life, so i am not particularly worried.
* Today in the forage line, I was in front of a tall, clean cut, very fit looking man who growled incredibly violent, explicit, specific, and creative threats against the women and children in the line along with muttered misogynistic rants. Charming. I must be reading male today, as none of the threats were aimed at me, though his body language expressed impatience at my lameness. He told a child between the ages of one and two about his plans to dismember and decapitate her. This was not playful, but delivered in a heart felt growl. The women in charge of her snatched her close. His threats against the women were neither sexual nor racist, but deeply disturbingly misogynistic. I kept a subtle eye on him, as did the rough looking, but polite, perceptive, and chivalrous gentleman in front of me. I figured he'd likely step in if the guy behind me tried to hurt anyone. I am not much use in a fight any more, but I was resolved to try if it came to it. It did not. It was a very long hour, not helped by being rained on.
* Breakout Kings has really grown on me.
* Today I started the first season of White Collar, I'm already liking it better than I did trying to jump in in the middle. I have two entirely personal issues with the leads that have nothing at all to do with their talent, the quality of writing, or anything else, just little things to do with old associations. It's stuff I can very likely get over, and I'll have a clearer idea if the show is worth watching for me after I've seen a few more episodes. It is unfortunately opposite something else I watch in my time zone, but the other show being Canadian, only appears in limited runs, so I can watch them in the gaps, though likely not in proper season order.
* Watching Kucinich and Weiner debate the intervention in Libya was like listening to the debate in my head. O.o
* In Syria, the government send men to beat protesters to death over the weekend.
* Newt Gingrich says we should vote for him because the atheists are taking over and planning to let the country to be dominated by radical Islamic extremists. O.o He shows no sign of understanding how utterly illogical and delusional that sounds. Atheists by definition wouldn't want Shariah Law. Um... duh. Perhaps he should look up Atheism in the dictionary. Or Islam. Is someone so ignorant, delusional, or hypocritical that he accuses Atheists of being pro-theocracy really suited to high office?
* Trump is now justifying his birther stance on the grounds that no one has come forward remembering the birth of a random baby in Hawaii more than forty years ago. All the documents are no proof. What are the chances anyone involved in my delivery remembers my birth specifically all these years later? Yours? It's not like they knew he was going to be president.
* Lawrence O'Donnell has pointed out there is more proof of Obama's birth in Hawaii (birth certificate, period announcements in the paper, and personal memory of the Governor of Hawaii who was friends with his parents), than there is of Lawrence O'Donnell's own birth.. Come to thgi8nk of it, there is more proof of Obama being a natural born citizen than there is of my own Mother's birth. She happened to be born in service member family housing in DC during WWII, so they didn't issue birth certificates, lest the NAZIs use them to figure out how many families were housed there. Instead, she has a proof of citizenship saying that she was born in American, but vague on the details. Of course, Lawrence O'Donnell, my mother, and Donald trump are all white, so above questioning by birthers.
* Gov. Walker's Union Stripping bill was supposed to cut 6% from the budget, yet actually will add 1%. "Budget repair" my hairy ass.
* Even though the law was passed illegally, is under a stay while the courts decide if the illegal vote makes it law, and not published by the office that publishes official laws, they are already "adjusting" pay checks to reflect it. Seriously, what do we have to do to establish the rule of law in Wisconsin? Working people are getting their pay checks garnished over this.
* A tool find in India is making them reexamine the chronology of humans coming out of Africa:
http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-03-stone-tools-link-early-humans.html * "Roman graves uncovered in Canterbury:"
http://www.kentonline.co.uk/kentonline/news/2011/march/21/roman_graves_uncovered.aspx * I haven't the heart to read the antiquities news from Egypt as the quantity of things stolen or damaged is simply too large.
* Seanan McGuire explains why she pulled out of the YA anthology:
http://seanan-mcguire.livejournal.com/337562.html * Y'all know my fondness for This Film is Not Yet Rated, so it should be no surprise I endorce Mr. gosling's statements about MPAA muisogyny: