Alright, I got a new LJ, since this one was getting way too long and hard to navigate (for me anyway, when I'm looking for old entries)...
And gwtwfanatic88 was getting old, I'm not a GWTW fanatic anymore..screw that, that's what I've been saying for the past's still my AIM sn anyway...But still, I needed a change.
So I got a new LJ, and it still has GWTW just less...loud. Plus, it's all about my other past obsessions too, well ok, like 2. Specifically costuming. Anyway, it's a color. I'll save the history lesson for another day.
ashesof_rose Friend's Only, I think. Comment there to be added.
Ps. I probably won't be using it right away, since it's having read-only issues. But just so you know.