Just Communication~!

Aug 28, 2006 12:28

Name: Elise!

Nicknames: Actually, I don't have any nicknames. No one has dubbed me a nickname. *sad*

Age: 19. Goodness, I feel old. o_o

Gender: Female

Prefer being stamped as a male, female or either? I don't mind.

Zodiacal Sign: Scorpio, rawr. =D

Favorite Color: Hrrrm, that's tough. I actually don't have a favorite color per se, because I love all colors.

Favorite Food: Ooooh, I love most foods, but not sweets. They give me headaches.

Likes: Cosplaying, photography, anime, mediation, cleaning, getting rid of clutter, being a fashion batisa to my friends and family, acceptance, interior decorating, cosmetics, reading, martial arts, pwning boys, comedy, animals, lounge music, being goofy and having fun, exploring.

Dislikes: Parasites, people who don't care for their children, ego maniacs/cockiness, men who try to push me down(I'll KEEEEL THEM!)shallowness, talking on the phone for I think I have a horrible husky voice. =x, seeing others being beaten, because I'll swoop in there and save them! Whiney bitchy girls, kids who think Martial Arts is just another way to beat someone up and not knowing its true meaning. clutter, because I actually get angry if I'm in a room of clutter. o_o. And emo kids. They bother me. =x

Hobbies: Icon making, drawing, reading, video games, collecting frames, painting. I'm sure there's more, but I can't remember right now. Hehehe!

Strong Points: Empathetic, understanding, compassionate, patient, protective, comical, willingly sacrafice myself to someone who in in need or danger, will whoop total ass if provoked, learns from other people's mistakes, my martial arts techniques, tries to not let the past effect my actions or emotions, can keep a straight face, doesn't give in easily, NOT EMO! YAAAY!

Weak Points: Afraid of losing memories, fears abandonment from family, kittens, stoic when something is wrong, hard to express my romantic feelings to someone, can be a bit of a martyr, doesn't do well on written tests but excells in the class, sensitive about my mixed heritage, a bit headstrong.

Shy or Outgoing? Outgoing most of the time.

Leader or Follower? I'm more of a follower/loner, but I'll be the leader if no one wants to take command.

Dreams? To find god and ask him if they still hate me and every question everyone wants to know. "Why are we here?" To have a family my own with the one who loves me, life to be balanced again.

Plans for the future? Honestly, I don't think a whole lot about the future except fincial things like College, etc. I plan to be a psychologist. =D

Describe yourself with up to six words:
1. Empathetic
2. Fighter
3. Proud
4. Enlightened
5. Secretive

Most important thing for you: Life

Favorite Gundam Wing Character, why? I could really empathize with Trowa, because I have amnesia, and you can get so angry or confused about what happened to you before, everything is a blur, and you can't make sense of it.

Least favorite Gundam Wing Character ( why )? Relena for a second. Why? Because she's crazy. I think it was the first episode, she introduces herself to Heero..but NO ONE IS THERE!!! CRAZZZZZY WOMAN!! o_o. And Dorothy's eyebrows scared me. o_o

Favorite moment on Gundam Wing: Hrrrm, I think when Treize was talking about his fallen soliders to Wufei. Sad.

Anything else? Heero is fat.

Please post at least three pictures of yourself, or a description: ( Please, don't post cosplay pictures )

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