For reasons that don't sound foolish or paranoid, I'm switching my journal to friends only. I'm sure nobody who reads this will care, but if you happen to lurk and want to be added, lemme know.
Really, it just occurred to me, after I received my Alumni catalog, half of it which was laughably incorrect and unflattering, and the other half stalkingly accurite, that there is way too much easily accessible information about me out there. It's not really that I don't want random folks reading what I think and learning about who I am ... it's actually really just that I want to be in some control of what is out there, and I guess that starts with the 'blog.
For those of us with no goals or aspirations, keeping things in the open is where it's at. Now if I am remembered for wild "Necro-bestial-midget-butt-sex-orgies" I guess that's OK too...
I try to just filter the stuff that would bore the shit out of a majority of people, which begs the question why I would ever have a public journal in the first place.
I think I have a 'blog to amuse myself, mostly. I look back over the stuff I wrote at first, and I am amazed. Perhaps one day I'll be able to print it out, edit it and subject the world to my published ruminations on getting drunk and purchasing fuel.
Just kiddin'... :)
Is "stalkingly" a word? Because it should be!
No, I totally hear you. That's why so many of my entries are locked. And will probably become moreso with time.
+5 to sandwich, YES!
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