Jul 10, 2006 16:59
urg. i was looking at the forcast for florida for like...the next 10days and it's like "thunderstorms!!" this makes me cry. ;__; but i'm sure it'll be fine. well hopefully it'll be fine. *nodnod*
okies so here's the emotional thing ready? i'm actually in a more or less better mood right now but here's the thing.
i got into a little uhm...car accident. nothing much a deal but yeah. i was gonna make a left and this van was in my blindspot. so i sorta hit him a bit. so i pulled over and we discussed the damage. it really wasn't all that big of a deal. my bumper got mostly his wheel anyway, thank fucking god. so yeah. i ended up paying the man about $200 from my pocket and reichal (for she is god) helped by paying the 160 making his total $360 in damages. whatever. no cops, no insruances and the guy was nice so it's alright. did i mention he was in a wheelchair? meh. anywayz...i sorta freaked cuz i JUST deposited $400 in the bank and i was already down by half without even going into the mall. whatever. it wasn't that serious, no one was hurt but it did scare the shit out of me and i wanted to cry but..i was told not to cry so i didn't. i went on. me and riechal shopped. we split from ray and shannon because we didn't have enough time to go shopping together. because of traffic from woodbridge ave, sean got there like...a lot late. but everyone got their shit together. me and reichal were debating on whether or not to go to the boat because she wasn't feeling rather well and i was still like...freaked out over the little accident. we end up going but find out that shannon and ray are at the movies. they're gonna see the new pirates movie. fine...but they were seeing it without us. me sean and reichal went to keansburg hung out at the beach then went to the arcade place. it's like five and the movie won't be over till maybe 6:30. i'm fucking hot, upset, tired and thirsty. i wanna leave by that point, but after some arguing and such shannon and ray left the movie and we met them there. i'm like...in a bad mood at this point. cuz i'm thinking that's it's not fair that ray and shannon went to the movies without reichal or without really giving us too much time to make plans. see me and sean saw it so it wouldn't have been such a big deal but i mean, they asked us to go to the boat and they weren't even there to hang out with plus they left reichal hanging. i'm sorta pissed at them as well and it's just messy. so whatever. we go and i'm just arg. pissed and everything and everything inside me is bottled up because i feel like i just can't...express myself, like...i'm not supposed to cry. so i just stayed grumpy the whole time. i wanted to leave and nobody listened to me. they'd rather hang out with a grumpy me that no me...so i guess in a way it's ok...but still. it frustrated me a lot. so yeah. i was grumpy and just...in a shitty mood. i didn't want to be around crowds, or noise or anything. so while everyone left to the carnival i went to the rocks to watch the sunset, because...i wanted to. it was nice. i cried and i sat there and just watched and it was nice. peaceful. i came out when the sunset just in time to see sean, shannon, and reichal walking away trying to find me. i'm a bit amused at the fact that nobody knew how to deal with me. that they hated seeing me sad but...they didn't know what to do. but eyah. then there were fireworks and finally i was allowed home. i was fucking tired. so yeah there it is.
but the good part though was that thrusday night. pirates of the caribbean 2. holy shit. le awesome. hung out with manny and ray that day along with shannon. i bought the pirates version of LIFE because i'm fucking weak. it was only $20 and i was like "MINE!" so yeah. played that and usch. it was cool and the movie was awesome. at the end you're jsut like "WHAT?! hehe. the movie itself was rather long but i guess when i see it again i'll appreciate it more. be able to see more clues and get what's going on. overall an excellent movie. a must see of the summer. gonna see it with my friends again in florida becuase uhm...it rocks my fucking socks. i gotta find icons that reminds me. hehehe. so eyah. i think that's it. still gotta go foodshopping. gotta call the girls see if they're gonna go tomorrow for their nails or not. cuz sorry to say but i'm going with my sister to get a mani-pedi with or without you guys. we can do it another time but i really wanna get it done before florida. like i said i'm working the whole week from 7.45-4 practically so if any time after 4 you wanna go with me let me know i'll go with you regardless if i have my nails done or not. *nod* so eyah. sorry i'm being a bitcha nd such but i'm sorta stressed and overwhelmed and nobodies asking any questions. it's unsettling to know everything's on me. like...anybody wanna know what's happening on friday? if you do comment. give suggestions, fucking ask questions. i like answering questions.
urg. i still gotta make myself new mood stuff. =/ skulls. yes.
and i'm getting a fucking tattoo! yes. before the end of july my body will have been inked. must design....NOW!