Getting ready for my trip to London...

May 16, 2004 01:11

I've packed my clothes. I've been very conservative in my selection this time, I've told myself numreous times that I'm only going to be away 5 days, so I don't need a lot of clothes. If I need anything more than what I've already packed I'll buy it in London.
I'm packing my toothbrush in a few minutes, after I've used it.

I've brought an extra bag in case I shop a lot when I'm there (wich I intend to do).
I've made sure to put my Leatherman in my briefcase, not in my hand bag (last time I flew they confiscated my swiss army knife).

I've got my passport and my camera...
What more could I have forgot?

Anyway, I'll probably find an Internet café and check the basic Internet stuff a couple of times while I'm gone.


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