Hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season! We're back this year with a weekly roundup posting every friday/saturday for your Gwaine & Merlin pleasure! This week there's a LOT from the past Christmas fests
Give an Old Word New Meaning by
WldCatSprStr_14 PG13 Modern AU
Eight Embraces by
jinko_sama PG13 Canon
Compare It With The High I Get From You by
WldCatSprStr_14 PG13 Modern AU
Secret Harmonies by
magenta_fic NC17 Canon Merlin/Percival; Merlin/Leon; Merlin/Elyan; Merlin/Gwaine
Gwaine's Masterful, Brilliant and Fool-proof Plan by
eyebrowofdoomNC17 Canon Gwaine/Percival
About to Break You by mandaffodil NC17 Canon Gwaine/Lancelot
Two's Company But I Like Crowds by b-b-banana SFW Arthur/Merlin/Gwaine
Rescued by
waltzing_mice Semi/SFW Gwaine/Merlin
Cape Sharing by vicky-v SFW Merlin/Gwaine
gwaine_quest* Jamuary Quest entries due on the 27th - 29th of January
glomp_fest prompting for GlompFest 2.0 begins on the 25th of January (all pairings AND RPF acceptable)
merlin_love free for all post is ongoing
HEREpaperlegends Merlin Big Bang sign up opens on Feb 1st
*As always, have a fic you want to plug, a fest, writing/art!THING you want to share with the Gwerlin world?
HIT US UP HERE** All previous fic recs will be located in this
handy, dandy, CODED excel doc for your ease (and our memories)