Here's to alcohol, the cause of-and solution to-all life's problems. HJS.

Mar 30, 2007 14:58

Ive been exchanging simpsons quotes all day in a gmail talk thread with a bunch of people i haven't met.  This seems to be the theme of my life as of late.
All of these opportunities are coming my way to meet all sorts of new people.  Im stoked.  I have a great friend base here in the city.  I love everyone i am already close to and wouldnt change that for the world, but my pool for dating is very limited within this circle, and the opportunity to meet new faces is always welcome.  Especially the possibility to meet people with similar music interests...thats key.
I joined a kickball league.  Thanks to downstairs neighbors Robyn and Joanne, they have included me on their fun.  Drinking, kicking balls, and playing flip cup at Kezar pub every wednesday sounds super awesome. New peeps, and alot of their friends are from touring with Phish, so they dig good music.  (IMHO)
I am also going to High Sierra Music Festival, and camping with a totally different group then i did last time.  Robyn's friends yet again...this time different ones.  Granted most of these people live all over the country, but ive volunteered to help at the festival, which gets me in for free, and i get to meet other volunteers, band members, and have access to other shit.  Soooo excited.  This is where the simpsons quoting is occuring...and these people are NUTS!!!  but in a good way, and i cant wait for three months from now to meet them.
So many shows coming up.
New roomate moving in Monday.
No real stress except finances, cuz i quit my night job!!!  My evenings are free people!  No more restaurant, but that cash is already being missed.
Going to Joshua tree Music Festival
Planning a trip to New orleans to visit E-ray with my free Southwest voucher.
I need more time with roomates.
Easter potluck is in the works....
So much going on.

And all i want to do is make out with someone.

also, i took a 10mg adderal a few hours ago to see if i have ADD....I dont.

kickball, hsmf, bbh, life

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