Jul 25, 2005 14:57
Today, the weather channel says it is "87 degrees...feels like 97". The sky looks like a bucket of dirty wash water. I'm wearing my heavy Pirates shirt and felt sticky and like I was dying all day. We were in South Park all day, so no relief from the heat (Jason, my unit director who we saw at the concert on Friday, said they left 5 minutes into Sauce Boss. Because cooking onstage is boring, of course.)
Strike 1: There was a traveling petting zoo. Heather liked having the baby goats eat out of her hand. But you know she has that habit of chewing on her fingers so we definitely got a bit of goat spit in there before I got her to the bathroom.
Strike 2: At 1:00, we made the girls leave the playground. Nurse Lori thought they looked red in the face and gave us bags of ice to stick on the backs of their necks. Then she had them go sit in her car with the AC on for a half hour. Brieanna was pretty sick, since she wouldn't drink at lunch, Heather was fine since she drinks nonstop, and KaCee, true to form, cried and whined to get let out of the car. I think her being spoiled and getting her way is worse than her disability.
Strike 3: At 2:00 when we were telling Heather's mom about the day, she got pelted in the back of the head with something that went whizzing by and made a loud clunk. She said it didn't hurt too badly, but it splattered blood on the back of her shirt and all through her hair! We were more freaked out than she was, since she's a nurse. It was her day off from the hospital, too. It would suck if she had to go back to get stitches because she got hit with a monkeyball.
Lastly, I can't beLIEVE the ball game got sold out on Saturday. A girl I work with said she went anyway, stood the whole time, and the kid next to her caught a homerun. We probably should have done that. Oh well.
Edit: Actually, it was a rock that hit her in the head. Some kids were having a rock fight.