Mar 07, 2006 22:48
I really hope that long before this time next year that psycho will have given up her obsession with me. I don't have that much faith in her sanity to really believe she will though. Hades, if you would have told me four years ago this would still be going on I would have called you crazy. This is insane... she can't see anything I write but she is still loading my journal, not just my user info, but my recent entries page as well. (I'm not using the same stat counter code for both so I know what page she is loading.)
Four years of stalking me because I ranted that her then boyfriend (now husband) was being a deadbeat dad by not only not paying child support but switching jobs left and right to avoid getting his wages garnished and taking part time pizza delivery jobs so when they did take money out it was very little. Excuse the fuck out of me, last time I checked that was being a deadbeat, especially when you owe nearly $20,000 in arrears (it's over that now btw). Oh yeah, and oops, my bad, I called her a home wrecking whore for stalking pursuing a married man with a newborn after he told her to leave him alone because he wanted to stay with his wife. (She slept on the side of an oil field road several times just to be near him since he wouldn't return her phone calls anymore, constantly drove by his house and was caught in the act of hugging his van in lieu of the real thing one day when it was the only vehicle there. Her and Jimmy ended up together because his wife threw him out.)
Pardon the fuck out of me for living in reality and calling a spade a spade... geeze!
psycho stalker,