I've been living up to my part of that bargain meanwhile, you ridiculed me for having a locked journal and yet you don't want me to read your Yahoo!360° and I've respected that. Somehow though, I don't get the vibe from you that you're really trying here, nothing has changed on your part. You and I both know the truth about what went on for three years and let me tell you, at the suggestion of my lawyer I wrote about a dozen letters to state reps urging them to do something about cyberstalking laws in Texas. I was asked if I would be willing to tell my story in Austin if they decided to pursue the subject. I had to change my screen name on LJ three times to the tune of $45 because you wouldn't leave me alone. You never have gotten that you didn't have a right to harass me like that. When I posted on here that I was going to let the past be the past and bygones be bygones I did have people berate me for it because they were there seeing what was going on for those three years.
You know what is so damn funny about you praising that new law? YOU would be the one caught by it. I own what I write, you're the one who doesn't want her name out there. You going to put your full legal name on your blogspot now or are you going to finally delete that harassing bullshit?
You should remove me from your flist since you're no longer on mine.
And for the record,
YOU suggested that I add you to my flist, YOU brought that up, not me.
You're too pathetic to waste a new post on and I know you'll see this anyway...
01-23-06 update: I know that since you are narcissistic that you think you are above the law and therefore entitled to stalk me and that you will never understand that you are not entitled to do these things but here in the real world outside of your head the truth is you are breaking the law. I also understand that you don't know the difference between the truth and the lies you decide are the truth. Again, here in the real world outside of your head, that blogspot is a flaming piece of libel and court documentation backs me up. So you may really want to think about taking that one down before I decide now that you do have your name on it to sue you for the libel. I actually do have the money to pay my lawyer to pursue this if I so wish.
Yes, thanks to you I know that once again you have a new LJ account. I will remind you again that YOU pointed it out to me by trying to join one of the communities I maintain, I didn't find it by searching for it. I don't think I'm ever going to understand how you have it in your head that you follow me all over the internet, do searches for my name, emulate me, and then somehow turn all that into me being the stalker... oh wait, I almost forgot, you're narcissistic and therefore incapable of normal thinking so of course you're not a crazy psycho for doing these things to me, you're special. Again, in the real world outside of your head, you're the stalker and I'm the one trying to get you to leave me alone. I think you're pathetic and need to get over this obsession you have with me. I asked you to leave me the fuck alone and apparently you're not capable of even that much sanity. Sad. Move on already.
I was right about that law.
03-07-06 update: After seeing that you looked at my journal today at 1:30 PM MST the thought crossed my mind that any sane person would have gotten bored, cut the crap, and moved on by now. I guess I keep forgetting that you're not really all that sane though... or maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part that you might get a real life and stop obsessing about me and mine. You really should get some psychological help to get over this obsession you have with me. Going on four years now is really beyond pathetic...
09-08-06 update: Just fucking go away already! Seriously, anyone who really looks at the evidence knows who the stalker is and it sure as hell ain't me. The stalker is the one who searches and follows around the stalkee. A classic example (and a really creepy one at that) is when I joined the community for victims of stalkers. I made a post there about you and the shit you've put me through, including the fact that you check my user info page multiple times a day and keep joining any new communities I'm in, and you showed up there... and yes, I do have a screen shot to prove you weren't there first. YOU keep following ME around. That does make YOU the stalker and not the victim. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!! I'M FUCKING SICK OF THIS SHIT!!! HE'S COURT ORDERED TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT!! CONTINUING ON WITH THIS BULLSHIT ISN'T GOING TO CHANGE THAT!!!