Apr 20, 2006 22:08
There is something both infinitely happy about coming to an end of a good book, at the same time there is the same amount of sadness because the book will be over soon and there will be no more time spent learning new things about the characters (unless it is a series).
I think that is why you need a good imagination to read a book, not because you need to picture the book while your reading it or anything like that, but because you need something to help you picture the people and future after the book is done, otherwise you will always know that it was nothing more than words on a page. A good author make the characters so alive and changing that you can see them going on after the story is told.
I admit, there are times I will not read the last 5 pages of a book for weeks just because I don’t want it to be over, but I almost always end up reading the last page and closing the book trying to imagine what happened next. I can (and often do) go back a re-read my favorite books but it just doesn’t live up to the first time. It can still be very enjoyable and make you laugh or cry, but it is hard to get out of your head the ending and who the character ends up being. I am just glad I live in a time of wide spread literacy and cheap printing presses that allow me to continue to read new books and have the variety I do.
Random? Yes, but better than finals.