Mar 16, 2006 17:57
I admit it I get down on Chris’s work sometimes because they have terminal head ass syndrome, but there are days when I realize how good they really are. They really don’t do anything other than be annoying, but the times they actually screw people over a few. Yesterday Chris’s Dad lost his job, again. So here he is 61 and stuck in a small town with no job prospects, a wife who hasn’t worked in years and debts up to their eyeballs. So in two weeks Chris is going down for a week to help them move out of the house they rent and try in figure out the money situation since they will most likely need some help. He went to his boss and said he was able to get all but two of the work days needed covered, and his boss told him not to worry and go do what he needed, he will take care of what he had to. No issues about the short notice or length of trip (he will be gone from the 27 to the 4th). I can’t really describe how upset I am about all this right now, especially with everything they did to us last time this happened.
Otherwise this Spring Break (my last) I have worked three days and am writing memo’s in my dreams. Today I took off and did my public service with an attorney downtown. Got a couple of people divorced and sat in on some mediation. I will continue to do work for him for Legal Aid after this though. Good to have that shit done with though. Otherwise, I spent the day cleaning my house so it smells nice and I can walk on the floor with bare feet and no worries. Been enjoying the new mix of music and I am really looking forward ot seeing what Chris has planned for tomorrow.