May 21, 2006 08:47
Take a look at your LJ friends list, then list up to ten things you want to say to ten different LJ friends.
DO NOT state who these people are.
DO NOT confirm nor deny any "comment speculation".
1. I am SO happy for you! I wish we had started hanging out two years earlier!
2. Damn, I miss you when you're gone!
3. Watch out, I've got plans for you. mwahaha!
4. We really need to hang out more.
5. Sometimes you scare me. Other times I love you because you're so awesome.
6. You are so talented.
7. I always laugh when I read your posts.
8. GOOD LUCK! and Congrats!
9. Goodluck! Congrats! I'm so happy for you and I miss you!
10. You are an inspiration.