Nov 10, 2006 01:17's been some time. Not much has changed for me...YET. I'm graduating in May...which will cause change and open up new opportunities for me that haven't been quite do-able as of yet...and I cannot wait! ...for the most part.
As isn't going bad..I just hate how it makes me worry about my school work much of the time. I'm so ready to be done with that! In the near future this semester will be over with...then my last semester! yay!
It totally annoys the hell out of me living in my house constantly. I mean...I guess for the most part my parents leave me alone. But when they don't..they can easily end up treating me like a kid and it drives me nuts. I sleep in one day cuz my alarm clock fails my mom thinks she needs to make sure I'm awake every day for school. And it annoys the hell out of me...cuz c'mon..I've been waking myself up just fine for the past 3 years! Thank God I lived at college for two years or Lord knows, I might not believe I could take care of myself even now. That's the way they sometimes make me feel. Love em to death, but c'mon! I am my own damn responsibility. Can't wait to move outta here..I think it will be best for all involved as much as my parents will be sad to see their youngest go. The youngest and the girl! I'm so cursed. Ha!
But anyways..still not entirely sure what kinda job I'm getting. But mark my words, I will have a job at least soon after graduation. I will surely need one for many reasons! I just hope whatever it is won't be hell...
I just can't wait!! Though the fact that I still don't actually know what kinda job I want to have is the thing making me go :o\ The thought of having a full time job doesn't bother me, really. And I'm totally okay with growing up a little bit more...paying for more things and whatnot (so long as I have a job of course).
Sometimes I really have a hard time dealing with parental drama and stuff, but soon..soon. But anyways..I have to head to bed. I've been awake for too long on too little sleep. Hope you enjoyed my semiannual (?) update. You know...all 0 of you who might think to check this thing. :o)