my weekend.

May 09, 2010 23:56

Friday was long and slow after lots of crap work. Discovered more people from work are made redundant while on a casual drink after work.. that was I stayed drinking until it was too late to cycle home :/
a minor accident yesterday following some shopping. This led to an inaugural trip to hardware store 'Mitre10 MEGA' (first time eva') and then some lovely indian. And wine, thankfully :) I had been stressed and bummed out during the week as of immigration process and people leaving in work (not redundancy just 2 of my bosses leaving..le hassel). The only thing that would get rid of me is if the polytech stops doing degrees - we will see more after Govt budget this month.
I have loads to work on which is good - getting into the idea of doing my own research but this year I will still be presenting the Well-being study :)
I am still recovering from a flu-type thing also (well a nose-infection:)) But there's always something wrong! Whenever it is remotely cold.
Sunday evening led me to another crappy date (constantly talking Limerick-man) then a nice visit to my friends (more ex-pats.!)
Saturday's dinner was more promising however.. lovely guy brought me wine, and then we got indian food. ftw!
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