Newest craze

Jan 25, 2008 02:02

Hey all! I know, I know, I don't write much anymore!!! But I wanted to update you on my latest Fanfiction/viewing craze! The Pretender tv series! Ok, I admit, I happen to think that Michael Weiss is VERY attractive as Jarod and I love the idea of someone who can be whatever they want to be because it is SUCH fodder for my overactive imagination!!! I just wish that season 4 hadn't ended so abruptly. I wasn't thrilled with either of the made-for-tv movies that followed. And I REALLY wish they would make a movie to tie up the loose ends already, but with as much time that has passed, I don't think they will! SOOOO. I have begun to peck away at a "season five" episode that picks up where 4 ended and disregards the movies. Haven't gotten more than a chapter, and we'll have to see if I can get out of my depressive funk and actually get IN to writing again. I have been in a real slump lately and all I do is take care of the babies, watch the Pretender and sleep. Not good! My DOH sent me an email today that's subject was "I Love You" and I got excited thinking, awe he wrote me a note. NOPE. It was a link to an article on Aspartame and diet sodas and his way of saying he thinks my depressive feelings, being tired, etc etc is a result of that. But you google things I haveand you get HUNDREDS of possible causes. SO yeh, I was not happy with his choice of message delivery. He NEVER e-mails me, and when he does, I got giddy and then opened it and was like. Uhm...right. Gee, how...Sweet. Get it, sweetners, "sweet" ughness, i'm tired.

And some NEWS.

Lily cut her first tooth! I noticed the sharp little thing last night and was all kinds of excited! Of cours, she had been cranky as heck all week and I have to rock her to sleep most nights now or she'll just cry and cry and cry. And I think the other bottom tooth is on theverge of breaking through too. Still no teeth for Eve, who is usually happy as a lark. I hope she takes teething a little better than her sister...she is generally better-spirited anyway.

Uhm. Other than that, no real other news!!!!
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