Week-by-week update

Mar 13, 2007 10:53

Today marks

I'm feeling a lot better, but when I am feeling better work decides to throw a ringer in there and make everything bad again! Our managing editor gave her notice, leaving the rest of us to scramble like mad people until they hire a replacement! Just what I DIDN'T want to happen! I was editing until 1 a.m. this morning and I'm pooped! I thought today about asking my boss lady if I could maybe work from home the days after I edit late nights. But I'm not sure how that would go. They've been so testy at work lately and I don't want to stir anything up.

It's nearing April, sorta, and that's the new date for us to try to find out what we're having though! So that's exciting. APril 3 can't come soon enough. But with our luck, the kid will probably decide to "sit" crosslegged so we can't see a thing! But it will still be cool.

I notice movement a lot more now, but Eric still hasn't had a chance to experience that. Everything any big movements come along, I'm either at work, or he's not trying to feel it. Bummer! But I'm sure he will have loads of chances as time goes by. Or so I've been told!

Anyway, best get to work. I have to try to crank out two stories and get out of there at a somewhat normal time. I just want to come home, relax a bit, and go to SLEEP. I think both of us need some more sleep after this hectic weekend and yesterday.

Take care!

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