Promo pics for 2x08:

Oct 22, 2009 20:28

Merlin's keep has a bunch of gorgeous hi-res promo pics for 2x08 here.

I for one am SO excited to see Emelia Fox (Morgause), partly because I've been crushing on her since I was ten years old and first saw her as Jeannie in the remakes of Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased), partly because I know that she's a really decent actor (and WAY  underappreciated), but also because Morgause is shaping up to be a really intriguing character and I reckon with Emelia playing her she'll be one of the best guest-starring characters we've encountered on this series so far.

My current guess is that she will be Arthur's half sister - Igraine's child from a marriage previous to her and Uther's - and if she also has magical powers then this episode is going to be VERY interesting indeed. Plus I'm just glad that it looks like we're getting another strong, complex female character on this show (and yes, I am kind of slashing her with Morgana in my head already... :P)

I'm also just intrigued as to who this chick is. Igraine?  Somehow magically conjured up by Morgause?  Hmm...

And, of course, Gwen being her usual prettyful self:

Looks like this is the episode with the infamous blow-off scene:

*cue sadface* Poor Gwen.

discussion, pics, squee, 2x08

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