2x01 Gwen and Morgana Picspam and Discussion Post:

Sep 20, 2009 10:03

So, last night I stayed up WAY too late capping all the scenes in the first episode of the new season that contained out ladies. The result is this spam of EPIC PRETTY:

Morgana is dreaming.

In fact, she's having a nightmare about a raven. (Oooh SUBTLE).

And, predictably, she wakes up screaming.

Calls immediately for Gwen (who just HAPPENS to be there in the middle of the night. Uh-hu...)

Cleavage flying, Gwen comes running.

Morgana immediately needs a hug. (I want a Gwen!hug too. They look good.)

'It's alright - it's alright - I'm here. There's nothing to be frightened of. Shhh.''

Gwen looks... almost exasperated. This and the later scene with Morgana and Gaius makes me suspect Gwen is FAR too used to this routine. Poor ladies... =/

Morgana's just happy to have someone real to hold onto, it would appear.

Morgana with her new nightgown on full display, not particularly enjoying Gaius' examination.

This whole episode I felt bad for Morgana, actually. Look how sleep deprived she looks! (Mind you, given that the actors are usually up at five in the morning every morning working twelve hours days, I can't imagine Katie had too much acting to do for the sleep-deprived bits. XP)

'I'll get Gwen to give you something stronger.'

'Like a blow to the head? I'm sure she wants to.'
I have to wonder whether combined sleep deprivation is putting a strain on Gwen and Morgana's relationship. It can hardly be easy for Gwen to have to be dealing with her father's death and managing her normal duties AND being up half the night with a hysterical mistress.

Gwen is confronted with the gargoyles.

And the next we see of her, she's helping out in the make-shift hospital.

As is Morgana, who apparently likes having the excuse not to have to be in bed.

Gwen is quick-thinking enough to drag Arthur away from yet more gargoyles (although what the hell she's doing int he courtyard is anyone's guess).

(...alright, who wasn't eyeing up her cleavage throughout most of this sequence? Come on - I KNOW you, Merlin fandom...)

Sorry - I just find Arthur's expression in this shot hilarious.


Later, checking out Arthur's wound.

Arthur attempts to avoid prattishness and express gratitude in one sentence. Surprisingly, just about succeeds. Gwen is impressed...

...if somewhat bemused.

This is what I liked to think of as the shot of Arthur with his two mums, patching him up.

Arthur, however, is not making it easy for his two mums to look after him.

The smudge of blood on Morgana's jaw - almost certainly Arthur's - suggests to me that there's a missing scene between them that had to be cut. I'm dead curious about HOW the blood got onto Morgana's face, though.

One last exchanged look between our ladies as Arthur strides off to attempt to save the day despite the ruddy great hole in his chest, and that's the last that we see of the ladies in this episode.

I'm hoping (and guessing) that, given what we know about the next two episodes, there will be LOTS more of Gwen and Morgana coming up this series. Anyway - although there wasn't much of the girls in 2x01, what WAS there was at least interesting. Gwen already seems a little pluckier, a little steadier and surer of herself than she did last series; Morgana just seems exhausted and exasperated, which I'm sure we'll see come to a head in 2x03.

What did you guys think?

discussion, screen caps, 2x01, picspam

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