*bouncety bounce*

Aug 22, 2009 16:08

Series 2 promo pics have just been released by the BBC - the ones containing our favourite ladies are under the cut, as well as squee and some speculation:

Okay - firstly, OMG  Angel looks AMAZING.

Secondly - it's a tad odd that there are two of Gwen on her own and only one of Morgana. I wouldn't read too much into that - it may just be an accidental oversight - but it still seems strange. Is the emphasis of the series shifting from one of the women's story archs to the other's? Although, in the main, ensemble shot, Morgana is still more prominantly featured than Gwen, just behind Merlin - closer to him, even, than Arthur is - bares a certain omen about how important Morgana may become to Merlin's plans in the coming series.

Thirdly - there's an obvious difference in tone over how each character is treated in these promos. If we hadn't already guessed from interviews and comments from the cast, Morgana's character is obviously getting darker (her promo is subdued; she's dressed in dark colours; the background and her expression is bleak and muted); whilst Gwen's is becoming a little more sexualised (note who's getting the cleavage shot this year?) Her shots are also lighter in general - she looks happier, more peaceful and noble than Morgana does.

It only really serves to confirm what's already been made clear by Angel, Katie and various others about what directions the characters will be going in this year - but it's awesome to have some photographic evidence.

discussion, pics, series 2

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