Fic: 5 Kisses That Paved Morgana’s Path To Hell.

Jul 08, 2009 18:45

Title: 5 Kisses That Paved Morgana’s Path To Hell.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 817
Pairing: Morgana/Everyone (i.e. Arthur, Uther, Mordred, Merlin, Gwen). Implied Arthur/Merlin.
Summary: Before he could speak, she kissed him. (Slight possibility of dub-con.)
Notes: My entry for merlin_rarepair’s second challenge which was a five things challenge. The last one is inspired by the idea in some versions Guinevere ends up in a nunnery. Thanks to shantirosa for the posts on rune porn. And many, many, thanks to firthgal for the beta.

She reveled in the way his hand tightened against her throat before his tongue entered her mouth.

morgana, fic

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