Title: The Trains Stop for You and So Do the Boys When You Run Your Fingers through Your Hair (And I Am Gonna Drink Your Blood)
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Gwen/Morgana
Word Count: 1000
Warnings: bloodplay, menstruation
Summary: In which Morgana is a vampire and Gwen's time of the month makes her smell really really good. PWP.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, and am not making any profit from this.
A/N: Written for the kink_meme challenge in the
summerpornathon, for
this KMM prompt, and for my
kink_bingo square "bodily secretions". This is a slightly extended version of the entry I posted for the 'thon. By slightly extended, I mean there's a little more, you know, atmosphere before they get down to the blood-sucking fucking part.
on DW and
on LJ