(no subject)

Sep 01, 2005 13:24

that was some of the most fun i've had in an incredibly long time. we talked about pretty much everything.. and the discussion got all intense and serious, and i love those kinds.

i got so many compliments my head almost exploded... and it's extremely fucking flattering to see a painting of your face on the wall of a studio.

a "whoa, that's weird"
g "what? oh!! oh my god!"
t "didn't i tell you i did that?"
g "... no!"
t "i paint all my lead actors.. that was for your show when i thought it was going to happen.. but i ended up keeping it anyway."

the paintings were so incredible... they had a grid with small squares with a different value of paint in each square... the background of mine was blue and the black outline of my face was made with fingerprints.

i think you have this incredible sense of humanity, and i've always thought so

i'm not even kidding.. some of the conversations of last night changed my outlook. and i'm not saying i'll never be the same again... i just talked about some of my spiritual beliefs and was reminded of what i stand for and what i don't. it's all stuff i already knew but it was sort of buried underneath all this stress and worry.

i don't like talking about people. From a completely selfish standpoint... talking about people makes ME feel like an asshole. i'm just not going to do it. People can talk about me... whatever, i can't control anything other than my own actions. it offends and hurts my heart when people talk about me, it really does.... because chances are they're just acting on assumptions. I'm pretty confident in the fact that i'm not a horrible person and that the general public realizes that. Sometimes i make mistakes and sometimes i hurt people and i just wish that everyone would realize that people, including myself, are assholes sometimes and just come up and talk to me about it. that's the best solution for everybody really... is to just talk to the person about it. i have very high respect for anyone who does that.
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