Jan 27, 2010 08:07
- 10:07 My day has been eventful already, and it's only 10am. Sigh.
- 12:36 I heard the CAPA students' protest from the office window earlier today. My heart goes out to that poor kid who was horribly beaten.
- 16:07 OK, the @wpxi Local News app is seriously irritating me with its push notifications. Already read the article, BEFORE it buzzed me 3 times!
- 16:44 State House bans hand-held phones, texting while driving bit.ly/c1ciJS ** No Twittering while you drive!
- 17:41 Was blocked from getting done what I needed done. Found out how to fix that, and documented it for the rest of the team. Go me?
- 17:54 twitpic.com/zwtrh - More CAPA protests
- 18:15 twitpic.com/zwx08 - Stupid traffic
- 18:58 Rehearsel time, can I sing? (@ East Liberty Presbyterian Church) 4sq.com/c9wFGR
- 22:10 Looking forward to today ending. It's not been a good one.
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