Possible Sequel????

Jan 20, 2014 00:38

Brutal Plot bunnies are brutal.

So there may or may not be an "official" sequel to "Atlantis Rising". While there is the one-shot collection (which is a lot more popular than I realized. Huh.), I apparently placed a strategic time gap between the final story chapter and of the epilogue of two years, give or take a few months, which leaves me plenty of space to place the possible sequel.

That is, if I can properly nurture the bunnies enough to create a cohesive plot. Then from there, I have to prevent plot holes, work on how Ican jam fifty different ancient mythologies in there, form character(s) backstory, because we all know I make OC for kicks and giggles then overly develop them,  and then I can start writing.


For those curious, the basic plotline is this:

The nameless sequel takes place about eight months or so after "AR". The gang is settling down to what they hope is a normal life (and Kaiba trying to figure out what exactly hormones are) and then what do you know, an opportunity to compete in a tourney in Chicago. So they go to Chicago and then basically it all goes to you know where in a hand-basket when a group of men, whom appear to be in a cult, attempt to kidnap Yugi, believing him to be "The Vessel of the Osiris Twice-Born". (key word:attempt. Aaron is tired of people kidnapping his friends thank you very much) From there they learn of a group called the "Cult of Inanna" seeking to open up something called a Soul Well.
    Meanwhile Seto gets a rather unpleasant visit from the most unlikeliest person, telling him that the Egyptian gods (remember Thoth from AR? Wasn't an illusion folks) are having kittens over this "Cult of Inanna" business because it turns out Inanna is a frigging insane goddess and the gods don't like what her happy (read: creepy) little cult is planning. It also turns out that the cult has other plans as well, like preparing a vessel for their goddess' return and hey what do you know, Seto's "possible"( lol) crush fits the bill perfectly.
And then they all have to save the day.

Also this sequel could be compensating for the fact that the amounts of Trustshipping was just a touch negligible in "AR"
 Expect about a metric ton of Kaiba snark.
You're welcome.

yu-gi-oh, fanfiction

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