Apr 15, 2013 22:08
It takes a great level of cowardice to do what has happened today in Boston. It takes an even greater amount of depravity to do it not just to America, but to the world. The Boston Marathon is not just an American event. Marathon runners from all over the world come here to compete and just to be able to cross that finish line after running 26 miles, when your body is on the verge of giving out and surrendering, when you hear that crowd, full of friends, family and strangers that you've never met, cheering for you as your legs feel like lead, your lungs burning with fire as that finish line looms before them.
And you took it away from them.
You defiled an event that would have been a pinnacle of achievement for their lives. You took away the innocence of many, lives snuffed out in a moment, including that of a child who was enjoying a day off because of Patriot's day, a holiday.
And for what? Attention for your misguided agenda, religious or otherwise? I'm sure you were probably there, watching the chaos. But I bet you weren't expecting that instead of running away from they explosions, they ran towards the scene, to aid those who were wounded, to strip off their own clothing to use as bandages for others. Did you expect the runners that had already crossed the finish line to keep running, towards the closest hospital so they could donate blood, knowing that they would be needed. Did you expect the doctor who ran his first marathon, whom, after running 26 miles, he continued to run towards the makeshift tents to apply his medical expertise to save lives?
No, you didn't.
Because you don't understand the strength, the fortitude and compassion of the human spirit. You, you who were so caught up in your misguided notions that you failed to see not the spirit shrink away from tragedy in fear, but to rise up and unite and become something more than just themselves, a shining beacon of what humanity is capable of achieving.
But to focus on you would just be a waste of time. You don't deserve the attention of committing such a horrific crime. I for one, will not be putting blame on conspiracies, on the government, not on those who have different beliefs than our own.
We should focus our energies, anger, sadness, shock, we should focus them on something greater. Go spend an afternoon at the local soup kitchen instead of complaining about how there is nothing on the television. Go to the local blood bank, and donate, even if you're terrified of needles. Donate to the Red Cross, I'm sure there will be a fund set up soon for the victims and their families. Do something productive instead of pointing fingers. Today, nobody is a Republican, or a Democrat, a Libertarian or a member of the Green Party.
We are one.
And a word to those who committed this; you may think you can run, you may think you can hide in that little hole of yours but be warned:
We always win at Hide and Seek.
God Bless the fireman, the policemen, the doctors and the paramedics.
Pray for the victims and their loved ones.
They need it.