Interesting Links

Mar 03, 2007 15:05

I didn't realize that Pizza Hut's Book It Program was still going on. Still 1985, huh? Makes sense, I remember doing it when I was in first grade or so (which was 1990-1991). Honestly, come on. Kids like pizza, they're going to eat it anyway.

Also, this month's Creative Loafing Atlanta has an interesting article about Stormfront, a white nationalist website (which I've visited before, actually, not because I'm a white nationalist, but because I enjoy reading the crazeh learning about the opposition. One thing that sticks with me about the article is that they mention that with all the fracas over immigration, white nationalism is, unfortunately, beginning to look attractive (and reasonable) to a lot of "average, everyday" folk. I had known that many of the organizations are trying to appeal to women and get rid of the stereotype that it's a bunch of neo-Nazi, young male criminals. They mention Lou Dobbs, with his tirades against illegal immigrants (and yes, I know since I've been watching CNN lately, it's true that Lou Dobbs = ranting about illegal immigrants) as an example of racist views becoming mainstream. (I'm personally sick of his constant reiteration of the "war on the middle class" -- who gives a crap?).

I don't see how these people think that having people who aren't white from different cultures is NOT going to "eradicate the white race." Give me a BREAK. Whites are the dominant cultural group. There is no need for activism on our part to "keep our culture."

There's also a lovely quotation from Ann Coulter, paraphrasing Joe Sobran, about all slaves being taken "legally" during the African slave trade, that North American slave traders just bought the slaves from their African masters. Gee, Ann. I didn't know you were a historian. History is not what's most comfortable for you to believe. In fact, that's not just Coulter's problem -- it seems to be the white nationalist's view of history.

Even if that were true (that all slaves were "legally" sold) would that make it okay that whites BOUGHT slaves and took them in horrifying conditions to be slaves in North America? Give me a break.

education, racism, links

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