Victoria's Secret Spree #1- ARRIVED.

Apr 26, 2008 21:23

Victoria's Secret Spree #1- CLOSED, ORDERED & MASS-EMAILED.

7/5/2008 10.36AM
All items mailed yesterday at NUS PO around 11.30am. Hope you'll receive your items soon! :) Refunds done:
To Account POSB Savings 228-14562-9 layting
Amount S$0.34
Transaction Reference 1699339202

5/5/2008 7.58PM
Items arrived!!
Here's a sneak peek:

Mass email everyone in a while!

3/5/2008 8.22AM
Order status: Shipped on 02/05/2008
Back-ordered: Expected Ship Date 02/06/2008
I'll update again when the items reach me.

30/4/2008 8.15PM
Order Number: 359931531
Expected Delivery Date: 30/05/2008
Order has been placed, all items in stock. Leave a comment if you didn't receive my email. Have a nice Labour day holiday! :)

One batch, capped at USD220. Would like to order by Thursday 01/05/08 11pm!
Non-clearance (Sale & Specials, regular priced items) - USD 150.
Clearance (items have prices that end with .99) - USD 70. 
Using tiered discount code, USD 30 off for USD 150 worth of orders.

No prohibited items (those which state "domestic").
No bulky items like long coats/ jeans/ shoes/ bags. Please ask if you're unsure.

Co-organizing with

gwenieeee : Consolidate and order.

mancuniantraf : Help with sorting and distribution.

Spree details:

1. Website: Victoria's Secret.

2. Orders capped at: USD 220 only.
- Non-clearance (Sale & Specials, regular priced items): USD 150.
- Clearance (items have prices that end with .99): USD 70.

3. How to contact us:

gwenieeee's email address:
mancuniantraf's email address:

4. Mode of payment: POSB Savings 014-29855-0.
- IB: please use your LJ nick.
- ATM: please keep the receipt! State date, time, location and reference no.
- NO interbank.

5. Mode of distribution:
- Normal postage (click here for SingPost local postage rates).
- Registered postage (additional S$2.24).
- Meet ups (please arrange with
- Courier ($4 regardless of the weight of your items).

6. Exchange rate:  US $1= S $1.40.
- Any shortage will be collected.

7. Shipping details: International standard delivery.
- USD 44.95 for USD(175.01- 250.00) of orders.
- Takes 14-21 business days to arrive.
- Will use USD 30 discount to offset.
- Remaining USD 14.95 will be split according to cost of your item.
(cost of your item/ total amount ordered) * 14.95 * 1.40= shipping cost in SGD.
- Collecting initial shipping of S$3 per item. Any excess will be refunded/ used to offset local postage.

8. Approximate shipping units:
- Intimates/ swimwear/ small accessories: 0.5 units each.
- Tops: 1 unit each.
- Tunics/  shorts/ short skirts: 1.5 units each.
- Jackets/ Dresses/ long skirts: 2 units each.
* This is just an estimate, I'll weigh all the items when they arrive. N.A. for this spree.

9. Payment details:
- 1st payment: (Total cost of items * 1.40) + (No. of items * 3). Set of  panties (e.g. 5/$25, 3/$25) count as 2 items first.
- 2nd payment: Top ups for shipping (if applicable) + local postage + 50c handling.
- Top ups must be made within 1 week after the items arrive.

10. Updates:
- Updates will be done here, please bookmark this page.
- Mass email only when items arrive.

11. FAQ.
- Q: Tiered discount code: $15 Off $100+, $30 off $150+, $75 off $250+. Why not cap at USD 250 to get more discount?
  A: (USD 250 + USD 44.95) * 1.40 = SGD 412.93. > $400 and GST will be incurred.
- Q: Why only USD 70 of clearance items?
  A: Tiered discount code does not work on clearance items. I need at least USD 150 of non-clearance to get USD 30 discount.
- Q: Why not split shipping according to weight/ unit of item?
  A: VS shipping is a flat rate of USD 44.95, and not according to weight. Hence, it would be fairer to split according to cost of item.

12. Order format:
Name/ LJ nick:
Email address:
Account details:
Mode of distribution: Please refer to point 5.

Item #1:
Name of item:
Type: Clearance/ Sale & specials/ Regular priced.
URL: Do not use the link after you've added it to cart, the link might expire. Copy and paste from the original page.
Item code:
Alt: Same price/ DNB.
Price in USD:

Item #2:
Name of item:
Type: Clearance/ Sale & specials/ Regular priced.
URL: Do not use the link after you've added it to cart, the link might expire. Copy and paste from the original page.
Item code:
Alt: Same price/ DNB.
Price in USD:

Total for Clearance:
Total for Non-clearance:

Total in USD:
Total no. of items:
Total in SGD: (Total in USD) * 1.40 + (Total no. of items) * 3 = S$  (please round up e.g. $25.522=$25.53!)

** PAID **
IB Nick:
Time & date:
Transaction reference:

Time & date:
Reference no.:

13. Other important points:
* Please pay before posting! Order and payment in 1 comment if not I'll reject your order.
* Please add items to cart to ensure availability.
* Replies frozen= payment received & order taken.
* Do not bust the cap if not wait 2 months for your refund!

Orders taken:

Clearance: Capped at USD 70.
1. Gwen/ gwenieeee: USD 23.97
2. Vanna/ mancuniantrf: USD 34.96
Total for Clearance items: USD 58.93

Non-clearance: Capped at USD 150.
1. Gwen/ gwenieeee: USD 65.00
2. Vanna/ mancuniantraf: USD 15.00
3. Danceholic: USD 24.50
4. layting: USD 12.50
5. weilin/weiilin: USD 50 (back-ordered)
Total for Non-clearance items: USD 167.00

Total orders: USD 225.93

sprees, shopping

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