A. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, no person shall havea cause of action against any krewe or organization, any grouptraditionally referred to as Courir de Mardi Gras, or any memberthereof, which presents Mardi Gras parades, including traditional ruralMardi Gras parades, processions, or runs in which participants ride onhorseback, march, walk, or ride on horse-drawn or motordrawn floats, orwheeled beds, or other parades, whether held on a public or privatestreet or waterway, or in a building or other structure, or anycombination thereof, connected with pre-Lenten festivities or theHoliday in Dixie Parade, or against any nonprofit organizationchartered under the laws of this state, or any member thereof, whichsponsors fairs or festivals that present parades or courirs, for anyloss or damage caused by any member thereof, during or in conjunctionwith or related to the parades or courirs presented by such krewe ororganization, unless said loss or damage was caused by the deliberateand wanton act or gross negligence of the krewe or organization, or anymember thereof as the case may be, or unless said member was operatinga motor vehicle within the parade or festival and was a compensatedemployee of the krewe, organization, or courir. The provisions of thisSection shall not be intended to limit the liability of a compensatedemployee of such krewe or organization for his individual acts ofnegligence.
B. Any person who is attending or participatingin one of the organized parades of floats or persons listed inSubsection A of this Section, when the parade begins and ends betweenthe hours of 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight of the same day, assumes therisk of being struck by any missile whatsoever which has beentraditionally thrown, tossed, or hurled by members of the krewe ororganization in such parades held prior to the effective date of thisSection. The items shall include but are not limited to beads, cups,coconuts, and doubloons unless said loss or damage was caused by thedeliberate and wanton act or gross negligence of said krewe ororganization.