First, there was Ed McMahon. Then there was Farrah Fawcett. Now, it's Michael Jackson. He died from a heart attack this afternoon. I didn't know about it until play practice. Ryan got texts from his friends telling him MJ died. He told all of us while we were rehearsing a scene lol! Robbie (the director) wasn't really amused. He was like "OK GUYS THAT'S NOT PART OF THE SCENE!" Haha it was epic.
It also rained; and we heard thunder and saw lightening. But then two rainbows appeared. One was really bright and lasted forever. You could still see it in the blue sky. The other was fainter and didn't last long. Farrah and MJ's deaths coincided with the rainbows....*cue Twlight Zone music*.
It's really the end of an era.