NOOOOOOOOO!!! Don't do it, obsessive watering of gardens can only lead to an unquenchable desire to relocate *dum**dum**dum* to the Home Counties *eek!!**gasp**faints from shock*. Where such activities appear to be most prevalent*.
*No one knows why. Possibly because it's really fucking boring in that part of the country ;o)
It's for the same reason there is more golf courses in Phoenix than anywhere else... Where there isn;t water - people like to show how stupid they are buy having things that need a lot of water.
Ah. Another thing Surrey has far too many of - private bloody golf courses. There's 3 of the things in an area of two miles where I used to live, and they're not the only ones either.
*runs down to the garden*
NOOOOOOOOO!!! Don't do it, obsessive watering of gardens can only lead to an unquenchable desire to relocate *dum**dum**dum* to the Home Counties *eek!!**gasp**faints from shock*. Where such activities appear to be most prevalent*.
*No one knows why. Possibly because it's really fucking boring in that part of the country ;o)
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