The Nasau Legacy Gen 2.4

Sep 27, 2008 23:18

First Legacy Fire
Jackson's Birthday
Triplets were born
I was PO'ed


Elizabeth got a new (and more mumsy) makeover.
Depsite her expression here she was actually quite impressed with it.

While Henry and Jackson decided to bond over some homework

and a game of catch.
(at which they were both FAIL)

Me: Why are you so damn happy?

Elizabeth: *continues to smile like a fool and thinks about babies*
Me: Don't you fucking dare! NO MOAR BABIES!!!1!
(I also have no idea which triplet she is holding there, so don't even ask.)

If Misty is going to produce a dog legacy heir then she's going to require a mate.
Say hi to Tucker.
Henry is in the process trying to befriend him.

I figured Jackson might need some friends, when this kid walked by.
Chandler Platz is his name.

Jackson then decided that rather than try and make friends with Chandler, he was going to synchronise with his mother instead.

Speaking of synchronised, the triplets do everything at exactly the same time.

This one just made me LOL.
Elizabeth: You're joking. I'm not eating this.



Everyone say hello to Tucker Nasau.

Why you little %@$*!!!

Henry: Hey honey, remember when you started that fire last update
Elizabeth: Yes *hangs head in shame*


Eventually Henry saw the food and they all sat down, creating this cute little dinner shot.

Tucker likes to watch the 10 O'Clock News.

Being parents to triplets is really starting to take its toll on them (and me).

Just a pointless shot of Tucker being fluffy.

And all was quiet, at last.

Me: Yeah Misty, those glowing eyes mean you might wanna stay away. M'Kay.

I had Elizabeth ask them to try for baby.
Tucker was having none of it.

Jackson likes to coordinate his pyjamas and buckets :D

In the end I just had Henry ask and they accepted.

Bow Chika Bow Wow

He ran over and stood there cheering the whole time.
Remind me to never let him in this legacy.

And while the pets were getting busy downstairs...

These two were doing the same upstairs.

The best part about this is that her OTH is Nature.

Soon we will have oranges.

Meanwhile Henry gets started on the Founder portrait

What is this travesty?!
Tucker does not like Pretty Townie?

But he's soo pretty!



Meet Pepper Nasau, the newest addition to our legacy family.

Snuggles are <3!

Getting There.

This scared the shir out of me as my sound was up rather loud.

Tucker's the only one who cared.

Elizabeth was too busy playing with Pepper

And getting congratulated by the Cuisine guy.

Who for some reason is hating on Henry.

You know how Elizabeth glitches when holding babies?

Well Jackson does the same when holding Pepper.

It's almost as if Jackson can sense the doom that will follow.


First its Devons turn.

Literally the first thing he does after growing up.

Your cake. They disapproves of it.

Then Harry.

Elizabeth still glitch-faces whenever she holds a baby.

And last but not least Lillian ages up.

The Triple Threat post-makeover.




Enjoy this little shot of the Legacy House as it currently stands.

Why can't they always stay like this?!?




Elizabeth harvests the lots mediocore produce.

While Jackson sits done to a good book and Henry watches Oprah.

Jackson discovers that his OTH is Fitness during an early morning swim.

Nearly there.

Ominous hand is ominous.

And cue

And Done.

It now hangs above the TV in the living room with pride.

And Henry gets into the Arts & Crafts Club.

The toddlers would actually rather terrorise the dogs than play with their own toys.

Jackson is officially the best big brother ever!

Just some closer/better shots of the Triplets

And one of Jackson's crazy friend who's name escapes me.

I <3 this family

This face can only mean its time for one thing.

And as per usual that is the thought bubble of success.

Why does Tucker look ashamed of his puppy?

That tree cannot burn down.
I need it!!! 

And that ends tonights episode of the Nasau's
Tune in next time to find out if our legacy tree survives
Ta ra.

nasau legacy, 2.4

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