TITLE: I was blind, but now I see

Dec 31, 2013 16:56

Author: gwenfrewi72
Rating: E
Fandom: Avengers Movie Verse
Spoilers: None
Summary: An heated debate between two Avengers opens the Captain’s eyes to the possibility.
Length: 879 according to Word
Disclaimer: Marvel, Joss, Disney, God, but sadly, I Do not own these shiny characters. I have now taken them out of the box to play with them, so

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This came about for several reasons, 1) I can't for the life of me figure out why people ship Clintasha, it makes no sense to me; 2) the beautiful and talented musesfool writes some of the shiniest Steve/Natasha and Steve/Natasha/Bucky and I thought she might like this little bit of potential Steve/Natasha; and finally 3) because I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep until I get this out of my gorram head.

Captain Steve Rogers stepped out of the elevator onto the common room floor and was greeted by an unusual sight. Agents Romanoff and Barton were in a heated debate on the couch, while Dr. Banner and Stark sat at the table quietly drinking coffee.

Rather than get into the fight, he approached the table and sat down to listen.

"Moldavia." Natasha replied.

"Buenes Aires," countered Clint.

Steve leaned over to Bruce and whispered, "What are they arguing about?"

"We're not entirely sure,” Bruce inclined his head toward the reformed billionaire-playboy Tony Stark, “Tony thinks they're listing all the places they've had sex,” he snorted as he confided, “I think it’s a list of all the places they've assassinated someone.” Shrugging, Bruce reclined back into his chair and idly thought a bowl of popcorn would be an excellent accompaniment to the scene unfolding before them. “We're waiting to see who is right."

Steve glanced at Tony who was balancing on the back two legs of his chair, but he wasn't adding to the situation, the man’s mouth was shut and his eyes fixed on the duo with the same obsessive absorption that he reserved for his many projects. Steve wondered if Stark was busy trying to predict what the cause could be or if he were actually asleep with his eyes open; Tony Stark did not do silent contemplation unless Pepper Potts was involved.

Steve turned back to watch the dynamic-duo as the rapid-fire argument continued. He sat in silence with the science bros as the debate escalated across the room.

"New York."


"Los Angeles."

"Same," Natasha countered.

"When, oh right,” Clint’s brow furrowed and then he nodded before postulating, “Padre Island."


Steve realized that the cities they were now naming were ones that the Avengers had been in recently to fight the latest bad guys to threaten planetary safety and the well-being of human kind. He didn't recall either of them leaving any of the scenes of the battle for any extra- curricular activities of either the lethal or fondue kind.

"Chicago." Clint grinned triumphantly.

"New York, last week, I win." Natasha said as she popped triumphantly up from her place on the sofa.

"Wait, we tied."

"No, we're not,” she disagreed with a shake of her auburn curls, “You forgot a big one."

Clint's eyebrows rose, "Really? Then refresh my memory for me, why don't you."

Natasha crossed her arms and paused for a moment before slowly replying, "Loki."

Clint's head jerked back, he paused for a moment and then nodded as he admitted, "You're right, you are in the lead."

"Told you,” she smirked, “Wanna go spar,” Natasha asked making Clint smirk, "Of course." With that, the partners left the room.

Tony finally spoke as he let his chair fall onto all four legs, "I don't get it."
Bruce shrugged, "Neither do I."

Steve shook his head, "You wouldn't."

"Well Captain Smartypants, why don't you explain it to us," Tony snarked with an inquiring brow.

"They were listing the places where they've saved each other's life and Loki wasn't really in a place, he was on the Hellicarrier."

"But she didn't save his life; she just did a cognitive recalibration on him." Bruce stated.

"Yes, but if she hadn't, you don't think that if we didn't kill him trying to stop him, that Loki would once he was done with him."

Tony and Bruce nodded in understanding and then rose from their seats to head back to their individual labs, each had work to do that had been interrupted by the entertainment of the fighting partners.

As they left, Steve wandered over to look out at the New York skyline. A sense of peace and resolve settled over him as he thought about what he'd discovered today.
Everyone thought Clint and Natasha were secret lovers, uncaught because they were the best at what they do, but Steve had realized the truth, they were comrades in arms. And that is a bond so strong that it transcended to a whole new level. It allowed for an almost psychic connection between them, how they could share their thoughts with just a luck.

Steve had had that once, with Bucky, so he knew. People sometimes misconstrued it as something sexual, but it wasn't, it was something so much more. It was rare for it to transcend to the physical, it was just a line that most comrades never needed to cross.

With this understanding came the realization that now he was free to act on the attraction he felt toward Natasha. He swore after finding out that he was roughly 70 years in the future and that Peggy had lived a full life after he had crashed, that they next time he wouldn't wait to ask a girl out, that he would take a chance at happiness. He would, of course, make sure Clint was okay with it before asking Natasha out on a date, but now he was confident that he wouldn't be making a fool of himself or causing a rift in any of their friendships because he tried to poach Barton's girl.

Yep, two bickering assassins had made his future seem a little bit brighter and gave him hope for a new dance partner.


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