Results of ComicPalooza

May 29, 2011 10:59

So, went and got Sean Maher's autograph after his Firefly Q&A, and that's were the real juice in this story lies.

Me: "Sean you got to punch Nathan, how was it?"
Sean, leans back in chair and runs hand suggestively down his chest; then sits forward and looks right at me (squee) and says throatily: "Better than sex!"

Yep, that's roughly what I asked and definitely what he did. When I'm old and gray and senile and sitting in a nursing home, that moment will be the ONE memory I don't plan on forgetting.

My husband said that when Sean gave that sexy answer, that he knew I'd love it. Well, DUH!

Sean was incredibly sweet, wonderfully sarcastic, funny as hell, and sexier than all get out. And I scoped him walking past us at one point and the backside is just as good as the front side. *sigh*

I only went to see Sean and well, that boy delivered the goods. My friend kept calling him Cougar Bait. LOL
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