First last night, I get an insane call from
obsidianagirl in which she informs me of this awesome idea for a fic. Her has no computer, but I do. At which point, we sit on the phone with her dictating to me and me typing and, of course, adding touches here and there.
Have to say the first 1000 words rock.
Now, for those of you who know me and her, well, the truth is, given our sad history of starting things and not finishing them. *can you say Flight of the Albatross, boys and girls* *hides* We think we'll finish this one first before we even THINK about posting it.
The scary part is that she texted more to me via phone this morning, which I dutifully added.
We're looking to get together again soon, to do some more writing. :D
That was yesterday, today, I had to clean house because I had some friends come over for ritual. It was a blast. ALso, I had a moment of complete joy and total despair. Two of them are total BROWNCOATS *dances* and one, well, her we will call one of the uneducated masses.
I believe we'll have to have a little Firefly favorites part or at least watch Serenity to enlighten her. *shakes head disgusted*
I sent my time in so my boss can cut me a check *yeah, money!!!* and need to take my shower so I can go to bed and get up and go earn some more!!!
Night, night, my darlings.