Sorry I haven't left reviews for all the other chapters. You know my excuse, so I won't bore you again with it. ^_^ Suffice it to say that I've loved them all so far. Now for this one... Awww! That was somehow both heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time! Heartwarming for Mal while heartbreaking for Zoe at the end. I so wished she and Wash could've had a baby. I'm hoping Mal doesn't waste time in letting River know that he plans on being a part of the baby's (and her)life. This fic is turning out lovely. Bring on the next part! ^_^
Liar, LI-ARRR!!!obsidianagirlNovember 4 2007, 12:10:49 UTC
You know you shamelessly refresh/mutter and complain waiting for feedback on every itty-bitty fic. There you are acting all patient, but I have your number...
*Sid holds up the number one and waves it around for all to see.*
You evil and wonderful woman!obsidianagirlNovember 4 2007, 12:03:26 UTC
I love it, but gorram if I didn't cry like a baby for Zoe. Love Mal's realization and his "shit eatin'" grin. I can't wait for more...please send more soon. I bought a palm pilot just so I can take your fics to work for something to read during the ever elusive spare moment.
Perfectly written and handled...exactly the way a Mal/Zoe discussion would go. *sigh* for his reaction and it being a smile she hadn't seen since before the valley.
This is going to be my favorite fic...I can tell...After all everything you write is my favorite. Except that one and you know of which I speak, but I still read it and thought it was well written. LOVE YA...MORE, more, MORE!!!!
Re: You evil and wonderful woman!gwenfrewi72November 4 2007, 14:51:30 UTC
Funny you should mention getting a palm so you can download and read stuff. I just printed out "Novak gets her man" and "Novak keeps her man" last night so I had some bed time reading material. :D
Please, you and I both know your favorite fic is going to be the one that is currently sitting on the back burner because my world is busy with this one and other things. Even though I've started writting the first little piece. :D
Re: You evil and wonderful woman!obsidianagirlNovember 5 2007, 01:27:15 UTC
Oh! YES! My Epic Fic...I wait with baited breath (eewww!!) for you to finish this one and write the fic that has my little Mal/River shipper heart pounding with need.
*Sid sighs and clutches her hands to her chest with a dreamy expression on her face as she dials your number to weedle and beg.*
Comments 22
For some reason it struck me that someone else having a baby would strike Zoe a little bit more than expected.
Yeah, it was definitely a bitter sweet chapter.
Thank you, I think so too.
Next part will probably be done tomorrow, depending on how things go.
*Sid holds up the number one and waves it around for all to see.*
Unlike some people I have to call and let know I've written something. *looks pointedly at you*
Perfectly written and handled...exactly the way a Mal/Zoe discussion would go. *sigh* for his reaction and it being a smile she hadn't seen since before the valley.
This is going to be my favorite fic...I can tell...After all everything you write is my favorite. Except that one and you know of which I speak, but I still read it and thought it was well written.
LOVE YA...MORE, more, MORE!!!!
Please, you and I both know your favorite fic is going to be the one that is currently sitting on the back burner because my world is busy with this one and other things. Even though I've started writting the first little piece. :D
*Sid sighs and clutches her hands to her chest with a dreamy expression on her face as she dials your number to weedle and beg.*
(The comment has been removed)
Oh the fun that will insue.
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