Nov 23, 2005 12:55
and knew it was stupid at the moment you were doing it, but you did it anyways?
I stopped by my mailbox last night on the way home from work and I noticed these people standing directly in front of my house. I chose to ignore them, being that strange people are always walking down our street because it's parallel to a very busy street that connects Bell Rd and Murfreesboro Rd. So then the guy starts yelling, "Maam, maam!", trying to get my attention and I ignored him for a quite a while until he was up on me. He had a girl with him that was about my age, probably a bit younger, and he was complaining about his ankle or something hurting and that he had walked to some family function but didn't want to get a cast because it would embarass him for his family to see him in a was f*cked up....and you could tell the guy had been drinking.....anyways, I digress. He wanted me to drive him and his daughter back to his apartment just down the street. My first instinct was to say no....but then how would I get away from them? They would see where I I told them that I would drive them home. The girl got in the front seat and the guy got in the back seat. Their directions to the guy's apartment were awful and I almost got into several wrecks trying to get them there and then the guy started going on about how he knew GW Bush and how he could hook me up with all these secret connections of his. I just smiled politely and said "Ugh huh". So I get them to his apartment and he wants to sit in my car forever going on about how he knows the president and how he used to be a narcotics officer. Then he wants to give me the president's "secret direct phone number" that changed every two seconds and was too long to be a real number anyways. I'm getting real nervous because he won't get out of my car and then he wants to show me something and he starts reaching into the side of his coat......I just knew for sure it was going to be a gun and I was about to be robbed.....but it was a picture of him and Barbara Bush shaking hands that he photocopied somewhere and pieced together. He talked about that for another 5 minutes and then he started telling me that he loved me and wanted to shake my hand. He wouldn't let go of my hand and then started asking me my name and he said,"Your hand is cold. Are you in love?", to which I said yeah, with my husband. Then he said to tell my husband that he wished he'd met me first before I'd gotten married. Holy Jesus were things getting scary! Then he kissed my hand and his daughter finally got him out of my car. I peeled out of there and made sure to check my car for missing items when I got home. Dave, of course, gave me a big scolding when he found out what I had done. What possessed me?