The Mile High Club by Ryan Field

Mar 27, 2009 16:17

This is the first free Ravenous ( story I have downloaded.  I figured it was free...why not give it a try?

I know now why it was offered as a freebie.

First of all let me say I enjoyed the characters.  They were pretty solid and believable, especially the husband.  I think some of their actions were completely over-the-top and very hard to swallow (pardon the pun).  The sentence structure was often very awkward with small words missing here and there, ruining the flow of the story.  This could have been easily fixed with a good editor.

I found the title to be very misleading as well, but that could just be a matter of opinion on what “The Mile High Club” represents.

Luckily it was a short story, and therefore a very quick read.  I had time to finish it before I even had to switch from the streetcar to the subway.  This left me plenty of time to get in some really good reading before having to make dinner for my family.

I think Ravenous needs to be a little more careful.  If the point is to draw readers in with good quality free teasers, they perhaps need to search harder for the hidden gems.


This offering from Ravenous looks intriguing, but the spelling slip in the description sends shivers down my spine already (and no, not the good kind!)

“Rapacious citizens exuberantly bid for hers virginity.”



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