Title/Song: Breathe Me
Artist: Sia
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Rose
Summary: The Doctor is lost without Rose. He is careless without her, killing himself without her, and all Martha can do is watch as the losses pile up.
http://profile.imeem.com/KF-d6Rp/video/jhF9g7N5/gwendolynflight_breathe_me_tv_video/ http://www.gigasize.com/get.php?d=zhdsfm4g0zc http://www.gwendolynflight.com/vids/breatheme.wmv (The last link is stable, but please use gigasize if you can, I'm not sure how robust my bandwidth is just now.)
Feedback: Loved and given a good home. ^_^
And embedded behind the cut!