Reel Pride Festival this year

Nov 10, 2012 15:25

I know I backed out of the festival this year because it's gotten bigger and I can't handle it. I'm glad that it's going well, I just can't contribute anything.

I have been skipping most emails I've been getting lately, but I chose to read the latest one, and it was a response to someone's review of the festival. Or a comment on it, rather. And, I just don't get how it could have happened, whose stupid idea it was.

They didn't have summaries or trailers of any of the films on the booklets or on the website. To know anything about it, the person woul need to Google the film--which is completely ridiculous. I mean, that's such a basic thing, I don't know how they let that happen. How can you expect people to come with no knowledge of what the film is?  I could understand not putting it in the booklet if they had a 'see our website for more details on the films' kind of thing in order to get people to the website and more traffic....but....seriously?

I just don't get it.

In other news, haven't heard back from the Little Caesar's interview (which actually surprises me cause the lady seemed to really like me), and have another interview tomorrow at Adrenaline Adventures. Way the other side of the city (technically not even in the city), but it's like a ski/board hill place and they want someone for the concession. If I can get more than just weekends (days maybe? between shifts at work) it should be worth the extra gas. Even if I can't get more than weekends, any little bit will help right now because I've got shit all on other offers to take.

I applied to a cat kennel too, but haven't heard back from them. Applied to Tony Roma's and Applebee's and a few others, but I'm really disheartened that I'm not getting anything.
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