{Fic} Untitled -- Original {G}

May 22, 2012 10:39

Title: Untitled
Author: gwendolynd
Genre: Original
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,470
Beta: bree_black
A/N: I, amazingly, haven't written a single word of fic since early January--so it's nice to have something to put out there again. Hopefully this will bring me back into the swing of things. =)

Summary: There's another world through a hole in the dimensions, and I've just discovered that I belong there.


Growing up, I always knew I was odd... different. I don’t mean the ‘I like school, would rather read a book and make funny drawings’ different. I mean a ‘my eyes are a crazy color and I need to wear colored contacts in order to not freak people out’ kind of thing. I never knew how to describe it. I was adopted, yeah, okay, but I knew that wasn’t it. Sure, bouncing around from home to home, and school to school wasn’t all that fun, but it seemed to fit me more than staying in one place. I stayed with one family for three years once-the longest stretch-and I was always antsy, and felt more and more out of place as time went on. At least when I was moving all the time, it was expected that I felt out of place, and no one really questioned if I made passing mention of feeling a little lost.

Anyway, point is, I’m different, and no one has ever been able to explain to me why.

At least that was true until I got called in by my foster centre, asking to come in for some questions and forms that needed filling out. I’d heard of this happening; it wasn’t uncommon. When the child has grown up, the birth mother (or sometimes both parents) ask the centre to reunite them. Guilt, I suppose. I expected to sign some papers, nod and say ‘sure, I’ll meet my parents next week at this coffee shop’ and be on my way. What I didn’t expect was to see two other women in the room with the director.

I remember the buzz of...electricity almost, in the air when I stepped in, and a wave of peace washing over me. It was as if I *did* belong somewhere because I suddenly learned that I belonged in a totally different world. And I do actually mean that literally.

There was another world out there, some breaks in the dimension that allowed for passing back and forth, that I truly belonged in. My parents, it turns out, are actually my two moms. There is no father involved. In a moment of rushed excitement, I had no problems up and leaving my home, my job, and my ancient pet fish to join them to go back home.


I’d been told I had a rare form of diabetes as a child, and had grown out of it sometime in my sixteenth year of life. Well, it turns out that was a lie. Turns out, to remain healthy and for lack of better word *believing* that this world could exist, I needed to have a dose of their unique insulin. Or they said it was insulin-it was actually some complicated mixture of glitter and sugar and some other things.  Mom and Mum knew they would come back for me eventually, after some crisis they still won’t tell me about, so they needed me to have that insulin every day until I was sixteen.

When children are born, like here (or is it there now that I’ve left?), they all have their own eye colors, only the eye colors are an assortment of purple, yellow, red, and even multi colored. This indicates our sexuality. It took me a while to wrap my head around that---I mean, I grew up with people telling me ‘boy-girl, that’s all you need to know’. I knew better than that, I understood that I was attracted to both genders, but I’d figured it out after years of self reflection and experimenting. But here---here you are born into a preference, and all are accepted, but it’s also not set in stone. Sexuality can change-everyone knows that-and here, so can your eye color.

It’s fascinating, really, to be able to greet someone, and instantly know whether you would have a chance with them, if you were interested. ‘Hey nice to meet you-oh yellow eyes, not lesbian then, don’t hit on her.’ I find that it connects people more. Yes, it connects everyone even though you can literally just look and understand something about that person, like reading a book spine. Since the color is always changing, you are drawn to always keep eye contact. It took getting used to, everyone watching your eyes intently all the time, but the relationships (even friendships) you built were that much stronger because everyone listened to each other. None of that ‘uh huh, sure’ fake listening I grew up with.

Did I mention how wonderful it is to not need to wear contact lenses to make my eyes a natural brown instead of purple? No? Well, it’s a relief to not jab my fingers in my eyes every morning and every night. Headaches are much less frequent now.

Each gender actually has psychic powers too, but I’m behind on that having grown up out of this world. The men have the ability to manipulate the mood of a person, and the women have the ability to change the elements within a three foot radius around them (earth, fire, etc).  And those powers can be enhanced too! By holding hands with someone else, the powers strengthen. Two men can change the mood of an entire room, two women can control up to a fifty feet around them. No one has told me yet what a male and female together could do. Use of these powers, even the slightest bit, seriously drains a person though, which means they are used very sparingly. We don’t need to use them very often, from what I’m told, because fighting and anger and all that ugly stuff doesn’t exist as much as it did where I grew up. It is basically like living in rainbows compared to my old home.

Talk about culture shock.

Oh, and I haven’t even started on the fairies and mermaids!

So, we can tell another person’s sexuality by their eyes, right, but not only that, we can read their moods. Not as children mind you, that’s a time where you’re bonding with your child and teaching them all the important life skills. Once they grow up, they’re given their ‘right of passage’, of sorts - small fairy that actually *lives* in your hair, just behind your ear. The fairy changes color, much like the mood rings novelty shops sell-in fact I’ve heard rumors that the first mood ring was actually a fairy that got put to an unfortunate use.

I thought perhaps the fairy would act as a conscience, you know, like Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio, but they’re not. They don’t aid in decisions or guide your way.  You can however talk with them, when you’re alone, though I think I’m one of the only ones who does that. He (my fairy) tells me that they’re not really supposed to talk with us, but neither of us sees the point in that. Why ever be lonely when you have your own fairy to talk with at any time? But you can’t change the world in one day, so we keep our chats a secret.

I was pulled from this dull, colorless life and into this world where I finally felt comfortable, didn’t need to hide who I was, relationships and friendships were easier to create and *keep*, and I got a little companion fairy that lives with me. How awesome is that, right? It was a lot to adjust to, which is probably why Mom and Mum waited a week before showing me the mermaids.

Oh the mermaids! They are so incredibly gorgeous I can’t even explain them to you. Watching them is like relaxing in your favorite chair lined with clouds, getting a massage from hands of silk while watching ribbons of light and pure beauty twirling and dancing in the air.

Yes, in the air. It’s a myth that mermaids need to live in water; that’s just convenient because they remain hidden easier. They are considered rare still, even here, because there are only a few hundred as opposed to the thousands of thousands of fairies. Mermaids have magical properties, other than flying (floating?). A mermaid’s dreams have the ability to heal one’s ailments, but a mermaid will only dream once in a blue moon. Not literally, I don’t think-the mermaids sense when they are needed and only then will they guide you telepathically to where they are sleeping. No one remembers when they wake the next day. Pretty good survival system if you ask me.

All in all, this world is much more *me* than where I grew up, and sure, it has its own ups and downs, but I’m so glad that Mom and Mum came to find me.

May you find the world you fit in with as well.


genre: original, rating: g, word count: 1 000 to 10 000

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